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Tuesday, February 28, 2017
929,042 Perry Mason time 11:34 pm
By Information Central February 28, 2017
929,042 @ 11:34 pm
70,958 to One Million Page Views
So after the City Council I went to a restaurant for a burger.
In walk Falco and Scarpelli. Suddenly, I feel like I'm in a Twilight Zone episode starring Laurel and Hardy.
Looking at the proprietor I said "I like these guys" (Falco and Scarpelli.) Someone said under their breath "Thank God" when I turned and responded "but it's just so difficult talking to them without...
7:52 pm Live from City Council 2-28-17
By Information Central February 28, 2017
928,819@7:52 pm
Firefighters want new building
Mayor conspicuous in her absence
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Unethical Council President Caraviello Files False Charges, Loses, then Defames Victim's Church
By Information Central February 28, 2017
Pageviews today
602 @ 3:33 pm
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City Councilor Rick Caraviello
beneficiary of an allegedly rigged election
is hostile
Citizens need to know the truth about Caraviello
coming soon to a blog near you!
with 1,440 minutes in a day
this blog gets a hit about every 2 minutes, 24 hours a day!
Libelous Richard F. Caraviello
By Information Central February 28, 2017
928,671 @ 2:46 pm
R.F. Caraviello is an ignorant individual not qualified to be council president.
This writer is SERIOUSLY looking into how we impeach Mr. Caraviello, Adam Knight and Frederick N. Dello Russo Jr.
I am as serious as a judge.
Furthermore, we need a new city solicitor.
Mark Rumley was oh so nice to me today, harassing my lawyer yesterday. You never know if you are getting Bruce Banner...
Getting to the bottom of the ACCESS TV FUNDING and where it goes
By Information Central February 28, 2017
Hello Ms. Khan,
At 1:43 pm today I spoke to Assistant City Solicitor Kim Scanlon regarding documents I received concerning the monies that Verizon and Comcast take from cable tv subscribers (the franchise fee) and give to the city, ostensibly for Public, Educational and
Governmental access TV.
My goal is to figure out:
a)How much actual P/E/G money is paid to Medford by the cable TV subscribers
b)where this money actually goes.
Medford Housing Authority Documents - Part I
By Information Central February 28, 2017
928,615@1:04 pm
Dear Readers,
This news site is vitally important, especially with the doors closing on the Medford Transcript (figuratively speaking, the free speech doors on the weekly paper,) and the doors permanently closing on the Medford Mercury.
I am working on a new business to create a PAPER news outlet for Medford distributed for free. Stay tuned.
Medford City Hall is interfering in our free speech with lawsuits, malicious abuse...
The Ballad of Mark Rum-Loon
By Information Central February 28, 2017
Mike McGlynn gave him a silver spoon
this is the ballad of dark Mark Rum-Loon
when he says "delusional" we say Deflection
the beneficiary of a / damned tainted election
He thinks he's so eloquent, watch him articulate
He will sue you if you choose to say
that he likes to / Pon___XXXXX
(Pond scum...doesn't rhyme with articulate, but what the hell)
So full of mellow-drama while he's never compliant
at a city council meeting
Sex Still Sells! Your Top 10 for Tuesday 2-28-17
By Information Central February 28, 2017
Cometh the last day of February 2017
No leap year/ for the city councilor queer
No leap /for the city councilor creep
fraud presidents who rip off residents
and a naughty solicitor
whose histrionics are a bore!
Buona notte Rey Buono - Southeast Asia...Hey Roy -...
Feb 21, 2017
Twice as many hits for the dirty story of a dirty man, still at #1
Feb 23, 2017
City Council Tonight! Healing Medford of its Serious Problems and Gangster-like "Representatives"
By Information Central February 28, 2017
928,465 @ 9:44 am
City Council Tonight
Mumbling and stumbling moron Caraviello will embarrass the citizens of Medford again.
It isn't about you, dear resident, it is all about THEM.
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Why did a city council president invite Sean O'Malley to play checkers?
By Information Central February 28, 2017
Defeated in a spectacular loss at the criminal court after he filed false charges on an innocent man, the vindictive s.o.b wanted to see if he could at least beat the bishop.
Judge Kremins called this blog juvenile or sophomoric or something. Judge Kremins was right! We are the Weekly World News of not believe a word of it!!!!...
Monday, February 27, 2017
New Hat for Rumley, Now - allegedly -he's a DOCTOR!
By Information Central February 27, 2017
Mark E. Rumley and Rick Caraviello are trying to run up a man's legal bills by harassing his attorney with invective (and alleged medical diagnosis aimed at a man who attends a church they both know has a different FAITH.) They were harassing the victim's FAITH as well as bothering my attorney to try to run my legal bills up.
Rumley and Caraviello appear to (allegedly) make a medical diagnosis...
Police Chief Sacco attacks the Victims of Crime in Medford
By Information Central February 27, 2017
Chief Sacco must be removed from 100 Main St.
Chief Sacco must be investigated, impeached and prosecuted to the full extent of the law....
In Medford, Jesus Knocking over the Tables of the Money Changers
By Information Central February 27, 2017
The Pharisees have been exposed.
Jesus Condemned the Pharisees
I Work Hard to Expose Rick Caraviello and the Cronies to ALL THE RESIDENTS of Medford
From the point of view of the Pharisees, the Sadducees wished to change the Jewish understanding of the Torah, to a Greek understanding of the Torah. The Pharisees preserved the Pharisaical oral law in the form of the Talmud. They would become the foundation of Rabbinic Judaism.
Jesus Condemns the...
Caraviello Harasses Lawyer Who Defeated Him in Criminal Court
By Information Central February 27, 2017
928,272 @ 11:27 pm
191 @ 11:27 - 267 minutes, 191 page views
Malicious Abuse of Process by Caraviello isn't enough for the individual who admitted in court he was on a list of Top 10 SOB's in Medford. Now Caraviello is abusing me and defaming me to my own lawyer, with ugly rants which are meant to upset me about the church that I attend.
That's your ugly, unqualified council president and what he does. He is a total harasser...
Mark Rumley's OBSCENE Salary as a City Solicitor in Medford
By Information Central February 27, 2017
928,239@10:26 pm
928,133 @ 8:20 pm
52 page views in 80 minutes
158 hits in 206 minutes
AS your mayor, we will hire a new city lawyer, one not taking $2500.00 per week, which is over Ten Thousand Dollars a month.
Feel good about that, resident, as you drive down that broken street?
March 1, 2017 is - purportedly -when a new contract is in place for the city's...