Friday, September 25, 2015

Who is Political Assassin Chris Siren?

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Some creepy South Medford dude with a stupid hat and supposed teaching job at M.I.T. is being a nuisance on Facebook.

Here's my response to the nitwit:

I look in the mirror and see the Nelson Mandela of Public Access TV in Medford, Chris! This writer has worked hard for your rights and don't you forget it. What have YOU done for our community? I don't throw rocks, I throw public records request responses...too bad if it damns the damned. There you go, people. I state my case that I write positive and negative and back it up with documents, but Chris Siren is a coward throwing a soundbite by failing to show up at the council and be visible. Sign of a cowardly bully. If you think I throw rocks, Chris, meet me at the council, look me in the eye, and come out of your bully closet where your typewriter throws rocks without substance. Let me repeat I don't throw rocks, I throw public records request responses...too bad if it damns the damned and exposes how much of the P/E/G money goes to pay teachers instead of giving us some transparency on access TV, especially during a critical election. Mr. Siren's posts are all aimed at assassinating one candidate with no balance, no looking at the entire picture of Stephanie Burke and Bob Penta. I see positives and negatives in all the candidates and evaluate, while Siren is on a Mission to Search and Destroy and no one in this community even knows who he is except for his rants here. Show up at the council, Chris, what are you afraid of? People - many people - shooting down your ideas? Where's your courage, Chris?