Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Caraviello: Medford's Biggest Embarrassment

 Watch for huge expose' on Crooked Caraviello

Medford has such low self-image with ignorant slob Caraviello taking an extra grand or two from unsuspecting taxpayers as the new Council President...uggghhhh....Clark Gable he is NOT~

Watch the dirty son of a bitch raise his own paycheck on the council at the expense of Medford residents.

You people trusting city finances to Richard the Clown?
Really?  Wow, masochists who just love abuse.

Oh, Looky who is standing next to Caraviello in this photo!
Untrustworthy Robert A. Maiocco...he used to piss, moan and complain if he didn't get voted in as council president.

What position would you rather be in ?

A capsized boat with awful Caraviello

or your life's savings in Uncle Bob Maiocco's hands?

Either way, Medford, you lose.