Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Medford United Member CLAIMS She Has New Hampshire D.A. Seeking MUG SHOT of a Medford School Committee Member

Does a D.A. in New Hampshire really want to pay for Medford United's Lunacy?

Do the New Hampshire Taxpayers want to enable alleged stalking? 

How many homosexuals are going to have to take out restraining orders on the obsessive/compulsive Miss Lonely Hearts at Medford United?

She writes bizarre things about being the best thing a guy ever had...how many guys have RUN, not walked, from such a proposition?   Sheesh.

She goes bonkers on the gay baby sitter

The homosexual journalist

And the same sex school committee member

It's a "Clean Sweep" for Krazy K!

And the lawyers see their cash registers ring as the gay community lines up for Harassment Protection Orders against the creepy Medford United crew.

There is fixation ... then there is Medford United


They say BLOCKING someone from their Facebook page is "Rejection."

We call it: EVIDENCE!