Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Very Dissatisfied....it's like dealing with Richard F. Caraviello at the Post Office, after his sex change, she is just as tubby as Caraviello but shorter.

 If Eunice Browne was in Caraviello's Body, 

a half-pint fatty, it would be this postal clerk!

GOING TO THE POSTAL INSPECTOR, THE A.G.'S OFFICE....THE WHACK JOB OBESE SHORT MEAN-SPIRITED MONSTER MUST BE FIRED.    You need to have professionals only.  Customers need to call the police on this threatening woman, Joanne, if she persists in her aggressive bullying.   As an elder,  67 years of age --- at any age - customers should expect a good interaction with Federal employees.  The hostile woman who said her name was "Joanne" is like Jekyll and Hyde. She's a bully. Her way or the highway, and her way is NOT to serve customers, NOT to be polite, and have customers feeling awful walking out of the facility   After she harasses you, like a typical abuser, she then is nice for a few mailings when you show up on other days, but on August 30, 2021 at 6:23 pm Joanne went back to her old abusive ways.  She keeps the aggression up, has to get the last word in, threatens a good customer that she will call the police and every single customer has to hear her loud, obnoxious announcements that she's not taking customers after 6:30.  IF a customer shows up on time before 6:30 she has an obligation to service all customers who were on time.  Because Joanne is slow, negligent and incompetent is no reason to turn the public away.  Joanne simply doesn't have the people skills or a positive attitude for the job.  She doesn't listen, is too busy talking over customers, and makes the experience totally ugly, upsetting and hurtful.  No one should listen to demeaning talk from a Federal employee.

The receipt says 6:23 pm.  I believe I showed up at 6:15. My package was for Le Havre France. The unprofessional, condescending woman refused to mail the package as she said it was 6:20 pm (how could it be if my other packages got out by 6:23 and she is extremely slow and doesn't care about doing the work?) ...she refused to take a package to France though I believe I was there at 6:15 pm  She took my other two packages, then started fighting with the next woman in line, an African American woman.  She was making disparaging remarks about me ("We all know who you are" - I've been paying for a P.O. box since 1978 or 1979) and sending me cutting remarks while fighting with the woman.  A third woman wanted to get her mail out but the clerk refused her as well saying there was no time and that it was 6:30.  This particular clerk barks repeatedly at around 6:15 WE ARE CLOSING AT 6:30 ...WE ARE CLOSING.  It is a VERY unpleasant experience  While she was yelling at the minority woman who looked perplexed and distraught, I let the nice lady know that this clerk had just yelled at me.  The poor third woman waiting in line was refused service, I believe. Check the videotapes. 3 customers harassed and belittled by an unstable and cruel Federal employee,  I was waiting in line to get additional overseas paperwork from the nice gentleman clerk who opened his window (earlier there was only 1 window, the agitated unprofessional clerk I am reporting here).  She started barking at me thinking I was trying to send my package to France (I wasn't, I was waiting for the male clerk to finish with a customer to get the overseas forms)  'I'LL CALL THE POLICE ON YOU" she yelled at me WHILE fighting with the other customer.  I said "Good."  She cackled in a mean spirited way "You'd like that?"  I responded "Yes. I want to see you in jail."   How can you have such unprofessional employees.  This is my second run-in with this unbelievably aggressive and harassing employee. It is a VERY unpleasant experience to be 67 years of age and be harassed continually by a woman who doesn't want to do her job, who sent three customers away unhappy.  If she wasn't busy belittling and being nasty, the three customers would have been satisfied. THREE IN A ROW, pull the videos, watch her in action.  Very unfriendly, very unhappy, just a miserable person resulting in a miserable experience for people who pay money.  She has our personal information.  It is frightening.