Sunday, February 26, 2023

Caraviello Tax Returns: REDUX

 ron delucia called it "sloppy bookkeeping" at TV3 when he went on the air with that other grey-haired zucchini brain passing themselves off as "money managers."  One filed for bankruptcy. DeLucia caught on camera with this clown who wants to be mayor.   Delucia and Alberg never showed us where OUR money went when the Medford Transcript noted 38 thousand dollars not accounted for.  You want to vote for fat boy Caraviello without seeing his tax returns? You would do so at your own peril.

City Hall/Caraviello refused to hand over his tax returns ...yet he wants to run for Mayor. Powerful Public Interest in the tax returns of a local individual who has proven that he cannot be trusted, lying to the police and allegedly committing perjury in criminal court 1/31/17. We are evaluating how to satisfy the public's investigation into these individuals like Paul Ruseau who don't fess up when a)they have another name b)they were convicted of a felony or two. "Chief Judge Beryl A. Howell of the U.S. District Court in D.C. released a number of previously sealed opinions after finding that the 'powerful public interest'outweighed the need for secrecy in the constitutional battle over Perry’s claims and the historic investigation," the Washington Post is reporting. GOPer Scott Perry suffers major blow over Jan. 6 documents in brutal court ruling (