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Sunday, April 30, 2023
The Historical Medford Rap Sheet of Richard F Caraviello
If the TV 3 Battles were a War, then the Historical Rap Sheet of Rick Caraviello would be that of a war criminal.Currently, Medford has a joke of public access, but the person who shut down TV 3 is not finished with:a)investigating the alleged embezzlers b)bringing their partner-in-slime, Caraviello, to justicec)exposing Kevin "the fraud" Harrington at Medford Anti-Community...
Arthur Alan Deluca, Part of the TV3 Crowd Mayor McGlynn Shut Down for RACISM

Who is Arthur Alan Deluca?A very bad person alleged to have verbally and angrily abused his own over-90 mother.Deluca is associated with a very bad crowd, and abused members of the TV station including this writer and a late autistic man. Fair use copyright of the Linked In which shows that the good for nothing never had a real job of significance till he...
Trump Avoiding his OWN RAPE TRIAL
My thoughts are that Attorney Tacopina is sick and tired of Trump a)not paying his brother and sister attorneys, b)acting like such a bully to his attorneys that in a subtle way, his badgering of the victim is a subtle way of Tacopina throwing Trump under the bus. Never Trust an attorney after you've stiffed so many of them Trump is so stressed out that even Lauren Boebert will predict that he kicks the bucket sooner than later. How many...
Are Michael J. McGlynn, Stephanie Muccini-Burke, Mark Rumley and Breanna Lungo Koehn secretly meeting at the Satan Con this weekend in Boston? The Satanic Temple is hosting SatanCon 2023
Michael J. McGlynn, Stephanie Muccini-Burke, Mark Rumley and Breanna
Lungo Koehn secretly meeting at the Satan Con this weekend in Boston?
The Satanic Temple is hosting SatanCon 2023 in Boston this weekend as
they celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the event. SatanCon 2023 Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary in Boston This Weekend (msn.com)The
organizers describe this year's event as the largest satanic gathering
in history and say...
Saturday, April 29, 2023
Dear Supreme Court, This is a Photo of Arthur Alan DeLuca...The Best Argument for Mifepristone You Can Find outside of D.C.
no one told this new, skewed Supreme Court the best argument for
abortion? Just give the justices photos of Eric Trump, Ginny Thomas,
Don Trump Jr., Donald J Trump, Marjorie Taylor Green, Jim "Gym" Jordon,
Josh Hawley, Clarence Thomas, Devin Nunes, Mitch McConnell, Rep. Lauren
"Showboat" Boebert, Vladmir Putin and note how much better the world
would be had their mothers taken a little mifepristone after conception.&nb...
Friday, April 28, 2023
City Seeks to Transform Dorothy T. Hegner Community Center into a Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Site

Fri, Apr 28 at 9:21 AMFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – April 28, 2023Contact: Emma Twombly, Communications Specialist (etwombly@medford-ma.gov), 781-809-0137 City Seeks to Transform Dorothy T. Hegner Community Center into a Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness SiteCity Applied for Appropriation Funding Distributed by Congress to Fund the Renovation ProjectFacility will...
New Film from Joe Viglione, Dawn Natalia Eat Your Heart Out
it is hereJoe Viglione's newest 1 hour and 46 minute filmhttps://youtu.be/mRuVEWoBd74 Count Viglione, Blacking Out, Kenny Highland AirforceLive at the Michael Weddle Celebration of LifeApril 8 2023 We helped raise the 4 thousand dollars over two nights, April 7 and 8 for the Hull High School Music Department....take that, Paul Ruseau. It was our friend, the late Michael Weddle's,...
Look What they've Done to My Song, Ma ....Melanie Courtesy of Count Viglione 4-28-23 at the piano....20 days ago we performed in concert with the band! 4-8-23
10:30 am Look What They've Done to My Song, Ma (Melanie by way of Joe Viglione, live in concert 4-28-23 from 9 am to 11 ...
Useless Adam Hurtubise Confesses for his many screwups with the agendas: My apologies for the confusion I just caused. rescheduled for Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at 6 p.m. Same topics, just a different time and a different Zoom link. New agenda attached here.

Useless Adam Hurtubise Confesses for his many fuckups with the agendas: My apologies for the confusion I just caused. Fri, Apr 28 at 10:28 AMAll— My apologies for the confusion I just caused. The Subcommittee on Ordinances and Rules meeting for which I just sent out a notice is canceled, and is rescheduled for Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at 6 p.m. ...
Cory Booker Bleeding Democrats Dry / Re: Is there anything we can say? All-time Page Views 2,374,616 as of 3:18 pm 4-28-23
Dear Press at Cory BookerMy powerful blog in Massachusettshas All-time Page Views 2,374,616 as of3:18 pm 4-28-23 ....but we get even morehits these days on our Real Medford MassPolitics page, so your practices of bleedingDemocrats for money and getting nothing ofsignificance (like Jim Jordan) done, well,we're spreading the word about yourannoying e mailsFri, Apr 28 at 3:11 PMSenator Booker Thank
you for reaching out to our office!...
Ron Delucia, Neil Osborne: FOUND - Rare sea creature — a 12-foot ‘devil’ — spotted off US East Coast for the first time
An endangered sea creature that has long proven elusive has been documented off the U.S. East Coast for the first time, researchers said.The slippery creature is a sicklefin devil ray, a giant fish known to dive to depths of 6,000 feet, according to a study published in the Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom.The rays, which can grow up to 12 feet wide, are believed to dwell in pockets of the sea around the globe,...
It's Election Time, We'd Better Hire Some New Faces Right Away ....City Taps New Human Resource Director Lungo-Koehn Administration fills multiple Senior Staff Positions, including Chief Assessor and Facilities Manager Amid State-wide Municipal Workforce Shortages

Worldwide Search Goes to Methuen for yet ANOTHER OUTSIDER from the Lungo-Koehn Administration Worldwide Search Goes to Methuen for yet ANOTHER OUTSIDER from the Lungo-Koehn Administration (who allegedly has to drive 45 minutes to and from work - if she is still in Methuen or lives there -) who probably knows next to nothing about Medford.. .. Fri, Apr 28 at 12:43 PMFOR...