Sunday, April 30, 2023

Are Michael J. McGlynn, Stephanie Muccini-Burke, Mark Rumley and Breanna Lungo Koehn secretly meeting at the Satan Con this weekend in Boston? The Satanic Temple is hosting SatanCon 2023


Are Michael J. McGlynn, Stephanie Muccini-Burke, Mark Rumley and Breanna Lungo Koehn secretly meeting at the Satan Con this weekend in Boston? The Satanic Temple is hosting SatanCon 2023 in Boston this weekend as they celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the event. SatanCon 2023 Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary in Boston This Weekend (
The organizers describe this year's event as the largest satanic gathering in history and say it will include satanic rituals, entertainment, discussion panels, a “satanic marketplace” and a satanic wedding chapel.
This year's theme is “Hexennacht in Boston,” which is German for “Witches’ Night.” Organizers say the event is sold out.
The organization says it is dedicating this edition of the event to Boston Mayor Michelle Wu, who they say denied the group from delivering a satanic invocation at Boston City Hall.
Neil Osborne and Rick Caraviello are desperate to get in; but just as Caraviello was banned from meeting with Governor Charlie Baker in West Medord (now that was pathetic,) Dickie and Neil are, again left out in the cold.   Art DeLuca showed up with his oxygen tank while Satan laughing spread his wings.....Mr. and Mrs. Alberg were welcomed....with open arms.   Ron Delucia got the award for his hatred of the disabled and minorities.  He was about to get arrested for his ill-gotten gain vis-a-vis TV 3 but they let him escape through a secret tunnel to evade Chief Buckley.

The Satanists told Chief Buckley that he qualified to be part of their Coven but the Chief stated bluntly "With my Brady-Infested force, of COURSE you'll welcome me, but I have to rein in those devils on a daily basis so... no thank you."