Saturday, October 24, 2015


500,833 @ 8:50 pm 500,805@ 7:57 pm Your Every Wish is my Command All you gotta do is wiggle your little hand... John Legend, Bernie Mac, Samuel L. Jackson -  I'm Your Puppet Snap Your Fingers and I'll Pull You Some Flips, I'm your Puppet  - Stephanie to Mikey boy...                              ...

McGlynn Appointing Commissioner Attack Dogs

500,758 See a pattern, Medford? Recent appointees to Hormel, Chevalier and Disability commission Attacking Mayoral candidate They should resign or be removed The dirty, dirty politics of Margaret Camuso And Jeanine Weigel These women have been so malicious one wonders If they are commissioners or members of Local...

Rumley: "You Ratted Me Out"

500,692 @ 4:54 pm ______________________________ Mark Rumley allegedly said to Anthony D'Antonio "You ratted me out to Joe Vig" about Rumley using THURSDAYS to go to Somerville Court, allegedly, to do his own personal work, while allegedly getting 102K a year from taxpayers to work in Medford as City Solicitor. "Court," Mr. D'Antonio told Rumley, "is a public place." You don't "Rat" someone out if they are doing wrong; you usually convict them!!! If...

McGlynn flipped out at Taste of Italy

500,599 Developing story. Stay tuned McGlynn verbally assaulted Rob Cappucci like Ed Finn on steroids Mayor lost his cool. Said to be full of anxie...

Which Candidate is doing a better job?

500,579@2:18 pm 500,534 @ 12:37 pm 500,496 @ 11:34 am ___________________________________ That is a rhetorical question. The Great Debate played Friday night 10/23/15 from 9:10 - 11:10 pm, finally in its entirety. Every time you watch it the truth becomes more clear: one candidate had all the answers, while the other candidate, Mrs. Burke, was not quite ready for prime time.

Dirty Dozen, Part 1 ASST. CLERK BRIAN S. BURKE: Why Does Muccini-Burke hide her husband?

500,484 @ 11:19 am 500,467 @ 11:07 am 500,457 @ 10:44 am 30,322 past 30 days Mayoral Candidate Stephanie Muccini-Burke out campaigning in South Medford for McGlylnn 2013  Mrs. Burke has her husband's photo on literature, but she doesn't want the citizens to know who that hothead, Brian S. Burke, is. He's a temperamental jerk. Brian Burke wants to be First Lady...

A Lawyer on a Public Records Request? WOW

Medford citizens, wait till you get information that certain individuals in the Administration don't want you to know about. A lawyer cc:'d on the response to a public records request? Ya think we got their attention? "Get That XXXXFXXKER OUT OF THERE" indeed. Do stay tuned....

Debate ran on Channel 43 Verizon to 11:10 PM October 23

Muccini-Burke's performance was so much fluff. McGlynn would rather forget about it. We are going to isolate key moments in the great debate. Penta gets an A Plus for a terrific performance. Incredible quotes from Penta on the tape and McGlynn knows it. Watch for quotes and more in the coming days....

Perry Mason has some advice for the CITY OF MEDFORD

500,289 @ 12;07 AM The City of Medford Is Falling Apart under McGlynn a few stories to break 1)"A bodyguard and a lawyer, you must be in deep."    Perry Mason The Case of the Mythical Monkeys Will wonders never cease; a response to a public records request was cc:'d to an attorney. Wow...ya think we are on to something or something??? ________________________________________ 2)The McGlynn Dirty Dozen Telly Savalas had nothing on Mike...

Friday, October 23, 2015

Mrs. Burke wants to Oversee the McGlynn Family Business. STOP HER!

500,136 @ 8:43 pm 500,116 @ 8:10 pm _________________________________ The Medford School System is ALL SCREWED up with screwball McGlynn putting his daughters into positions at the McGlynn School (change that name, please, what an embarrassment!) to teachers mysteriously leaving...Ron DeLucia, Jenna Tarabelsi and a teacher to be named later... Thug McGlynn Runs "his" Empire like Satriale's Butcher shop from The Sopranos   DO THE SIMPLE...


Pageviews today 1,275 Pageviews yesterday 1,130 Pageviews last month 30,647 Pageviews all time history 500,109 EIGHT PM CHANGES OVER TO A NEW CYCLE Pageviews today 0 Pageviews yesterday 1,275 Pageviews last month 29,964 Pageviews all time history 500,109 ...


500,109 @ 7:59 pm Erin DiBenedetto talking about transparency is like Chuck Pagano attempting to execute a trick play. Erin DiBenedetto on transparency in local government "As a taxpayer in this community I do my best to support transparency in government and open up the doors of our democracy to all citizens. We need to have public officials who are respectful of the needs of our community in the most honest and trustworthy way possible....

Crooked Mayor McGlynn's Propaganda Machine

500,093 @ 7:09 pm 500,079 @ 6:51 pm  7:17 pm Friday night October 23.  Bulletin board on Channel 43. So much for promises from the lame-duck Mayor, Michael J. McGlynn      The moon might be a sliver of itself this Friday night, but the McGlynn lunatics, the kind that give progressive Democrats like us a bad name, are out in full force...

500,011 5:24 pm

500,037@6:04 pm A Force To Be Reckoned With, Michael Sister Yolanda from St Agnes/Arlington Catholic is So disappointed in you So is Suster Jamesetta But they are proud of this student of theirs for standing up to their gangster bully student Mike McGlynn One half a million and ele...

People like Historical Society's John Anderson try to Kill Access Tv

499,977@4:59 pm 499,958@4:38 pm 42 to one half a million 23 to half a million 4:59 pm McGlynn puppet/crony Anderson just another McGlynn Trojan horse My response soon. It will set him straight      John Anderson should be ashamed of himself.  The rhetoric that Anderson posted on the MedfordMassYahoogroup today is the same propaganda the McGlynn crowd has been polluting Medford politics with for years now.     As...

55 to One Half A Million Page Views

499,845 "The unvarnished truth about Medford" John Byers. Former Mayoral candidate Rumley and McGlynn and Muccini-Burke Censor And they lie about their censorship polic...

D'Antonio Letter in Transcript

499,877 @ 3:38 pm ________________________ ________________________ ____________________...

Anthony Ansaldi Sr Letter to Transcript on Bob Penta

499,868 @ 3:26 PM 1,038 thus far today 1,130 yesterday 30,406 page views past 30 days 132 to One Half a Million Hits ...

Letter in Transcript supporting Bob Penta

499,851 @ 3:09 pm ...

Bob Penta discusses in Transcript Why He Wants to Be Mayor

499,837 @ 2:50 pm 499,830 @ 2:42 pm 170 page views to one half a million I lifted this off of Mr. Penta's Facebook account. If he wants it removed from this site I will comply. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________...

John Anderson on Access TV

499,790 @ 1:46 pm 210 to one half a million  I'll Respond to this later.   jwa02155 Today at 12:25 PM One of the spin-offs from some recent heated discussions involved the future of Medford's Community Access TV aka Channel 3.  It got me thinking. I really haven't missed Channel 3, for a couple of reasons - the schedule wasn't on the Comcast onscreen guide and when I did click through Ch 3, I didn't find much...


499,790 @ 1:46 pm 499,773 @ 1:39 PM 499,765 @ 1:36 pm STEPHANIE DID POORLY AT THE DEBATE PUPPET MASTER MCGLYNN CENSORING FREE SPEECH AGAIN MARK RUMLEY IS A JACKASS LYING TO THE COMMUNITY ABOUT CITY HALL AND THE SQUELCHING OF FREE SPEECH The debate is off the air again.  The Mayor, 28 years in office, is a smart and efficient man. No access TV and a smart mayor not playing access is highly suspicious, especially given that his chosen...

Sleazy Adam Knight tied to the hip with Reprobate Sean O'Brien of Local 25 Teamsters

499,741 @ 1:05 pm's worse than you thought. Look at the complainant's site! These are the creepy people trying to put Trojan Horse Adam Knight into the City Council. Knight is a bad person, just a very bad man. Left to Right: Corrupt Local 25 Teamster President, Sean O’Brien and a fellow Teamster Campaigning for Martha Coakley. Yes that right...


499,717 @ 12:43 pm 499,702 @ 12:37 pm 499,689 @ 12:34 pm 499,684 @ 12:32 pm 499,674 @ 12:23 pm 298 more to ONE HALF A MILLION! The Juggernaut that is just keeps on rolling! 12:22 pm Ken Krause's voice is on. After 18 hours of bulletin boards it is back on Channel 43 Verizon Channel 22  Comcast right now.  Wedding Bell Blues Fifth Dimension

City Council Agenda October 27, 2015 Tuesday, last council before election 2015

499,665 @ 12:11 PM 499,657 @ 12:03 pm The Medford City Council Agenda for October 27, 2015 is below. From Ed Finn, City Clerk: Please see attached Medford City Council Agenda for 10-27-2015 Reminder City of Medford Municipal Election Tuesday, November 3, 2015 Polls open at 7:00 AM and close at 8:00 PM For Mayor For City Council MICHAEL MARKS,...

Puppet on a String

499,651 @ noon 499,648 @ 11:55 Make Me Do Right or Make Me Do Wrong, I'm Your Puppet Steph and Mikey Purify duet  James and Bobby Purify   I'm Your Puppet  "Your every wish, is my command, all you gotta do wiggle your little hand.  I'm Your Puppet"   Stephanie...

384 away from One Half a Million Page Views

499,620 @ 11:15 am 499,616 @ 11:09 am ____________________________________________________________________ Elvis disc _______________________________________________________________ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Medford Information reaches one half a million page views Mayor McGlynn squelches...