Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Pop Explosion Nov 30

1)Matt O'Connor   Yuletide Lament 2)PSYCHIC DOG 3)DEF LEPPARD   ALL THE YOUNG DUDES 4)Bobby Gentry   "Ode to Billy Joe" 5)Dead Boots   "Saturdays" Steve Dennis Interview 6)Barrence Whitfield  Ship Sailed At Six 7)Frank Zappa  Cosmic Debris 8)Boys II Men    Let's Get It On * *Was playing the song, didn't know it was those jokers singing ____________________________________________________________________ 9)Lou...

Star Wars Star on Visual Radio

866,816 @ 11:00 am 866,677 @ 10:25 AM STAR WARS FELICITY JONES ROGUE ONE ON VISUAL RADIO! Where is the outrage against Muccini-Burke? Today's lecture: Demand Access Television  ______________________ Felicity Jones with Director Drake Doremus talking to Joe Viglione LIKE CRAZY on Visual Radio _____________________________________________________ Visual Radio on Made in Medford From...

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

TV Volume too low at City Council - Letter to Stephanie Muccini-Burke November 29, 2016

866,310 To Medford City Hall: After I spoke at the City Council meeting I went home to watch on Channel 43 Verizon. The audio was LOW.   Switching to Law and Order SVU the TV would blast the commercial television while government access, with all our monies in some account somewhere, can hardly be heard unless you turn the volume up, jeopardizing your tv viewing...that you pay for. Mrs. Burke promised access would come back in October...

Editor Calls Out City Council on TV3

866,303 Editor Slams Medford City Council for Dereliction of Duty in regards to TV3 As NECN was in the parking lot doing a story, your editor was the last speaker of the evening for that particular topic, keeping the flame alive on public access television issues. The Useless City Council of Medford with that happy-go-lucky ghoul, Freddy Jr. Jr. with his hands on his mouth, looking stupid, staring into space like he had just been released after...

What Has Adam "Yes Man" Knight done for this city?

866,184@8:02 pm What a waste of thirty thou Meanwhile Mitt Rumney and Lance Prevert have dinner in NY with Narcissitickkk Sicko Tr...

A Vote for Trump Was a Hate Crime

866,138@6:25 pm Great bumper stic...

865,995 Camuso Reigns In Hell - He's Still King of the Top 10 on Medford Info Central. Has it really come down to this?

865,995 @ 12:40 pm 134,005 to one million page views If you want to get technical, Cam-uiso AND Do Hurt Thee both reign in hell atop the charts today Camuso Dethrones Captain Doherty in Top 10 Nov 26, 2016   A Response to Penta's Points on the Halloween Inci... Nov 23, 2016   Thanksgiving Wishes to Our Good Readers, Thanksgiv... Nov 24, 2016   Who...

RECALL VOTE: Why the Surrogate, Stephanie Muccini-Burke, Must be Removed From Power

865,986 @ 12;34 PM Impeachment or a Recall Vote? Muccini-Burke's 2015 election/coronation is like something out of a bad commie propaganda film In 1959 Fidel Castro was Prime Minister of Cuba; in 1959 John J. McGlynn was State Rep of Medford.  Both politicians passed away in 2016.  The city solicitor likened TV3 Medford to "Havana."  One family ruling a country or a city for six decades is not good for the citizens. Crop...

Stephanie McGlynn- Castro

Separated at Birth? In 1959 Castro was a Medford State Rep In 1959 McGlynn was Prime Minister of Cuba _________________________________ Fidel Castro Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz August 13, 1926 – November 25, 2016)  was an American politician who served as mayor of Medford, Massachusetts and as a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives in what Solicitor Mahk Ramley calls "Havana North."  Castro began...