Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Police Chief Paul A. Camuso? It could happen...Worse of a Nightmare than Trump!

The Butcher Boy as Police Chief!

AA approved!   AA Improved as well!  Think about it!!!!!  ?

What a slap in the face to the police force!

Stephanie Burke gone off of her rocker with this one.

Rumor has it that Stephanie Burke will use Camuso as a threat/bargaining chip with the Police Union if they want Sacco removed.

It's called playing hardball.

 Hey, pizza parlors, drug dealers, Chinese restaurants beware...

The Butcher Boy could be the next police chief.

If he allegedly did that to his grandma before and after she left this mortal coil, think of what he will do to you?

Hey, how much do you have to PAY to work for the Sheriff?

Enquiring minds want to know?

Talk about a rehabilitation program - get reprobates off of the street, pay the sheriff Thirty Five Thousand Dollars to get your loser son a job!

Oh, this is a parody of the mayor.  Have another drink, Brian.

Frankie Father-in-Law's worst nightmare.

The police station will have really gone to the dogs.  Woof Woof.

Worse than Chief Sad Sack-oh!

AA Improved
Alcoholics from Alcoholics Anonymous caught on camera tonight at the city council praising Stephanie Muccini-Burke will get their sobriety coin taken away from them. 




A bigger imbecile than Rumley to infect this city that can't take on more swamp water.