Wednesday, November 23, 2016

A Response to Penta's Points on the Halloween Incident

We know who the woman was dressed as Clinton, and who the Trump character was, but we are not at liberty to say.

When the police found out the individual that they did the phony arrest on was, they reportedly flipped their lids like Mark Rumley waiting for a phone call that never came!!!!


Though I agree that Mayor Burke is clueless and handles things in an inappropriate manner, police officers, like lawyers, are on the job 24/7. Making political statements on EITHER side is wrong. 
The officers didn't perform the false arrest on the Donald Trump character, did they? 
I happen to like the officers in question, however, you have to use some common sense beyond your political leanings - and you don't need a rule not to do something stupid in public. 
On-duty police officers ostracizing the Americans who are in the majority - making a political statement on behalf of a candidate, Donald Trump, who bragged that the election was "rigged" - a businessman profiting handsomely from what he knew was a "rigged system," is just plain wrong. That an American citizen had Donald Trump with big hands is free expression under the First Amendment. Making a spectacle of one candidate and not the other is not protecting and serving.our community. 

You can't have it both ways. When running for office, or employed to protect the public, it doesn't have to be written as a law or a policy that you do not alienate people in the minority or in the majority. 

If every vote counted instead of using an antiquated electoral college designed to harm minority people, the person who surpassed two million popular votes, Hillary Clinton, would be in the White House. Our votes didn't count. 

The "rigged" system did not need police officers, no matter how much we admire and like them, acting like tenth graders during a very public event. It was inappropriate whether they did it to Clinton or Trump. It was a political statement by those who are supposed to have more common sense than the rest of us acting like juveniles in public.