Wednesday, May 26, 2021

What is an Open Meeting Law Violation ???? The Case Against Richard F. Caraviello, Adam Hurtubise and Adam Knight

 Wed, May 26 at 4:28 PM

Kimberly M. Scanlon
Acting City Solicitor
Records Access Officer
City of Medford
City Hall
85 George P. Hassett Drive
Medford, MA 02155

DISCUSSION before June 6, 2021 Rebuttal

Dear Acting Solicitor Scanlon and Madame Mayor:

1)I am bringing Mayor Lungo-Koehn into this conversation as I believe City Hall
needs to address the stealth which the city council is using to cover up the
Adam Knight "probable cause."   That a City Council is engaged in a cover up
when its own Vice President went on an allegedly violent rampage (which) damages
the voters/taxpayers of the city in a deleterious way that is irreversible.

Irreparable harm is harm that would not be adequately compensated by
monetary damages or an award of damages that cannot be provided with adequate ...

As you and the mayor are lawyers you are quite familiar with the term.

2)Since Mr. Caraviello's actions are the poisonous tree, his continuous
irreparable harm makes just about every council meeting the fruit of the
poisonous tree.     The logic is precise; Caraviello's false charges and
wrongful conduct a clear and present danger to the citizens of Medford.

There must have been a reason, Madame Mayor, that you kept Caraviello
out of the Bistro luncheon with Governor Charlie Baker, if the rumors are
correct.  I did see photos of the council president outside of Bistro rather
than sitting at the dinner table.

And none of this is malicious - doesn't matter which member of the council
is out of line, Marks, Bears, Scarpelli - my investment of this volunteer time
is simply to do the right thing and free the voters from the veil put over
their eyes by a council that votes for its own pay raise.

Hillary Clinton won the popular vote; without the Russian interference
and the Trump skullduggery, we would not have suffered four years of
lies and deceptions.

The damage is done, and in many cases, irreparable harm was caused.
We can't get those years back, or the (fruit of the poisonous tree) judges
who were appointed by the poisonous tree (trump)

3)I would like to speak at the city council without the distractions

4)Mr. Hurtubise keeps the meeting minutes, right?  So in advance of
those minutes by changing petitions and their rightful meaning, the body
is knowingly, and quite maliciously, altering the meeting minutes. Let us
look at the written meeting minutes and the video to compare

Would you like to meet and discuss before I publish my rebuttal on
June 6, 2021, which is a Sunday, for review on or about Monday June 7?

I expect not.  This "transparent" city which claims an open door policy
says one thing and does another.

I will be putting in a public records request to the AG's office on the
missing TV3 monies again, probably today.  Seven and a half years my....someone needs to define the term Statute of Limitations
to them.

By the way, Happy Birthday Breanna Lungo-Koehn.

Joe Viglione   

On Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 4:41:16 PM EDT, Kim Scanlon <kscanlon@  wrote:


Good afternoon Mr. Viglione:


Please see the attached response to your complaints. Thank you.


Very truly yours,



Kimberly M. Scanlon

Acting City Solicitor

Records Access Officer

City of Medford

City Hall

85 George P. Hassett Drive

Medford, MA 02155
