Thursday, May 26, 2022

Herald's BATTENFELD is part of the Violence Problem

11:03 am May 26 2022 

Battenfeld is a cause of the gun problem with his anti-Democratic stance. In Australia they removed the guns and violence went down. When you have nutty Trump followers out there going to jail, actually prison, over the insurrection and Battenfeld stirs the hate, you will get this kind of NRA-loving GOP lunatics yelling about the 2nd Amendment which was for a time before civilization.  The Herald publishes Battenfeld and their advertisers give them the blood money for his insanity


TaxpayerJeff is one of the crazies:

The democrats want your kids to be sitting ducks and they want you disarmed as well. All they care about is control.  

My response:

oh grow up TaxPayorJeff, you are so wrong. The Republicans want everyone to have a gun to cull the herd. Easy to blame the people doing the hard work to fix the problem, overweight in your mommy's basement watching TV You are a BIG part of the problem

Garysmiith17 writes: 1 hr ago

Alex Berenson: 05/25/2022

'Cannabis causes psychosis. Psychosis causes Violence.'!

Yep, there it is, the first reference to cannabis use by Salvador Ramos, the Texas elementary school killer. In the New York Times.

Took 24 hours, give or take.

And Ms. Rodriguez recalled he would often talk about how much he despised his mother and grandmother, whom he told her did not let him smoke weed or do what he wanted.


This is only one case. Except it’s not.

Nikolas Cruz, the Florida high school shooter, was a heavy user and told the police detective who interviewed him that he heard voices. Devin Patrick Kelley - who shot up a Texas church and killed 26 people in 2017 before blowing his head off - had THC in his system when he died. (Kelley had anti-anxiety drugs too; a lot of heavy cannabis users wind up using Xanax or Klonopin to try to tamp down their paranoia.) Darrell Brooks Jr., last seen allegedly racing through the Waukesha Christmas Parade, is a self-described stoner.

Meanwhile, cities like Portland, Oregon have suffered an explosion in violence following the legalization of cannabis. Portland had 16 murders in 2013, the year before voters in Oregon approved full legalization. Last year it had 90. It’s on pace to have even more in 2022. It has gone from being one of the safest medium-sized cities in the United States to one of the most dangerous. Denver has seen a similar trend.