Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Remove All 7 Medford City Councilors for Violating Oath of Office The Caraviello Act: Greenpeace to Tow the Fat Bastards Out into The Water

7:50 pm May 25 2022 All Time2246055

Praveen Fernandes, vice-president of the Constitutional Accountability Center, which filed an amicus brief, said: “Although Representative Cawthorn just lost his party’s nomination for his seat in Congress, today’s ruling remains an incredibly important one.

“It makes clear that the 1872 Amnesty Act poses no barrier to similar future … challenges of the qualification of candidates to appear on the ballot, thus ensuring that section three of the 14th amendment can continue to serve its purpose as an important mechanism for holding public officials accountable when they violate their oaths of office.”  


Blow to Madison Cawthorn as appeals court reverses ‘insurrectionist’ ruling

People who take part in insurrections against US government can be barred from office and 1872 act does not apply, court rules