Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Mayor Burke's Hire Deveney OUT in Everett, Racism in Medford Pervasive 36,897 page views in 54 days! as of 1:01 pm May 24 2022

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Mayor Breanna Lungo Koehn

85 Geo P Hassett Dr
Medford MA 02155

Mayor Stephanie Muccini Burke hired a racist and paid that
racist with Medford taxpayer monies.  

How did I and my colleagues shut down TV 3,
it was the vile homophobia and racism at MCC TV3
that forced Mayor McGlynn's hand when I had 
reported to Mark Rumley in 2003 about the flagrant
use of the "N" word, the word "fag,' the word "spade."

When I informed Wallace Kountze at the Christmas Party
what happened, the president of the station physically
pushed me out of the building.  It took me 11 years to
finally take those racist homophobes down, and at what

Mayor Lungo-Koehn has called racism a disease, yet
she has Neil Osborne employed, a man who has made
no secret of his hatred of Caucasians and his failure to
help the homosexual community.  Horrible human being
that Osborne.   This is not helpful, Breanna Lungo-Koehn,
it's a sick joke played on the community.  You call racism
a disease and you have Neil Osborne involved, a man 
who when Sidney Poitier died discussed "slapping the
White man (with a small "w") rather than discuss 
Mr. Poitier's great work.  Just found my copy of Poitier's
biography...you can bet Osborne doesn't have one, nor
has he read it, very likely.

Stephanie, the avatar of Michael J. McGlynn, hijacked the
true winner of the debates and the election, Bob Penta.

The results were hideous.  From allegedly hiding a scandal
of a teacher having an affair with a student, that student allegedly
related to Muccini-Burke, to Stephanie's no good clerk-of-courts
husband with his vulgar mouth (so much for the canon of ethics,)
at the Chevalier causing a ruckus, to the Zoom video of 
Deanna Deveney acting like a twelve year old racist that she
is, the taxpayers are screwed and y'all get mad at me for 
saying the truth, stating the obvious.

Shame on ALL of you who supported Muccini-Burke.
Birds of a feather flock together and clever Stephanie Burke
knew all about Attorney Deanna Deveney. 

It is getting tiresome saying "I Told You So."

Well, here's the good news.   A city councilor
is also out in Everett. 

It's time to remove hateful perjurer Councilor Caraviello,
horrible Councilor Scarpelli with his Otis Mass fiasco,
Zac Bears in a police report for disturbing the peace,
Adam Knight in a police report and criminal magistrate
hearing for smashing a bank door a year ago, these
insufferable and boorish creatures who fail to serve
the public, and who rip the taxpayers off and spit at
them as well.


I'm not psychic: identifying the wrongdoing is so easy
because these monsters do it in plain sight.

Deanna Deveney acting like an immature child
...passing the bar and then being smug and...racist.
And caught with her panties down.

Mayor Lungo-Koehn is not innocent in this, not with
that horrible David Rodrigues hire.   I warned you,
Breanna, and you didn't listen.   Rodrigues tried to
steal my grandmother's 100 year old piano.   It is
safely in storage.  Yet when Ms. Lungo-Koehn 
doesn't listen to constituents (or former residents,
and hires that individual with such a bad history ...

When Breanna threw friends under the bus after
we supported her...a joke of a duck boat driver
ruining access TV, one case in point....then the
citizens have only themselves to blame.

Breanna hiring ex Everett official Attorney Rodrigues
after his embarrassments, and my warnings to her
about that zucchini brain, well, it opened the door for
Mark Rumley to get his revenge on Breanna for not
rehiring him.

Clean up Medford, Madame Mayor, and start by
putting the screws to Adam Knight, Rick Caraviello,
convicted felon Paul Ruseau, George Scarpelli,
start repairing Medford by getting rid of those 
sycophants and their crooked way of censoring
speakers at the city council

All of those disgusting individuals voted the day
they took the oath of office to VIOLATE that oath
and censor people at the city council

Justin Tseng, dumb, ignorant child, same as
Kit Collins.  Criminal Rick Caraviello, Alleged
Criminal Adam Knight, horrible George Scarpelli,
out-of-her-depth president Morell, and that
overweight moron disturbing the peace at
midnight, Isaac Bruce "Zac" Bears III,
in police reports, in criminal court, seven losers
who have no right touching the finances of 

And that convicted felon on YOUR school
committee, Breanna.

If Gary Christenson in Malden wants a meat-cleaver
wielding psychopath who had a four year restraining
order on her teaching Malden kids, well shame on
Mayor Christenson...And Carlo DeMaria, what were
you thinking?

I've supported all three of you and all three of you
have been deficient.

To the point where Deanne Deveney is making
racist jokes on ZOOM...on ZOOM.  How stupid
is she, and why did she work for Medford and

How stupid is she, and why do three mayors like
playing with fire?

It makes no sense.

You really believe racism is a disease,
Mayor Lungo - Koehn?  Then why the
hell is Neil Osborne working at City Hall?

Joe Viglione