10:06 am All Time 2,285,782
Two Million, Two Hundred Eighty-Five Thousand, Seven Hundred and Eighty Two page views this morning Sunday August 14, 2022. Praise the Lord, we have Readers and Trump the infidel is going down!
Note to Richie Furay of Buffalo Springfield
Richie, the Lord will deal with treasonous Trump. Thanks for the great Buffalo Springfield recordings... Jesus spoke with me this morning and asked me to tell you that he is not happy with your abuse of religion to try to make a point. God bless and, again, thanks for the memories. Rock Journalist Joe Viglione
Richie, the Lord will deal with treasonous Trump. Thanks for the great Buffalo Springfield recordings... Jesus spoke with me this morning and asked me to tell you that he is not happy with your abuse of religion to try to make a point. God bless and, again, thanks for the memories. Rock Journalist Joe Viglione
10:01 AM ou that he is not happy with your abuse of religion to try to make a point. God bless and, again, thanks for the memories. Rock Journalist Joe Viglione https://medfordinformationcentral.blogspot.com/2022/08/chance-pataki-cant-even-spell-muller.html
Hey Chance Pataki, a real waste of money?
That would be the 2012 Benghazi attack was a coordinated attack against two United States government facilities in Benghazi, Libya, by members of the Islamic militant ...
Republicans wasted money thinking they could tar and feather Hillary Clinton with it.
But righties refuse to look at the waste of funds for a Ken Starr Report or
any of the nonsense they do to try to claw their way back into power.
Republicans are a dying breed, and they have to steal Supreme Court Justice
seats with sexual harasser Donald Trump leading the way
Beyond pathetic.
if Trump stole nuclear secrets without going through the proper process of declassifying them, then he makes Benedict Arnold look like Mother Teresa. Unfortunately, those who praise treasonous Trump are like the woman who marries the drunk, then praises her good-for-nothing husband because she made a bad choice and is embarrassed. We progressives attempt to have civil conversations with Republicans, but since they know they are wrong they channel Marjorie Taylor Greene-with-envy who is a terrible liar, raising their voices above a progressives (sure sign of weakness,) not letting us get a word in edgewise, and repeating horrible talking points "woke" this and "witch hunt" that. No reasonable person can understand their malarkey, we are just automatically wrong because Republicans say so. Meanwhile, those who can't spell simple words - Chance Pataki ranting about Mueller but spelling the name incorrectly when it is ubiquitous out there in the public domain, puts nonsensical stuff on my front page of my Facebook page and my readers simply feel sorry for him. What blows my mind is that millions of low I.Q. Americans follow Trump as if the fat meathead is some kind of charismatic leader. No, he's just a TV show host with catchy phrases like "You're fired." Big deal. Would love to have conversations with my Republican brothers and sisters but I didn't go down to Washington D.C. to start a ruckus and try to interfere in the peaceful transfer of power. Another thing is using an antiquated Electoral College when Biden and Hillary Clinton trounced Trump in the popular vote. It's a tool the dying Republican party needs along with subterfuge and deceit. What GOP types ignore is the fact that a)you can't "steal" an election if you have more voters that actually come out and vote as the Democrats do, b)that many Republican friends of mine NEVER EVEN VOTED while my progressive friends did, and a roommate of mine (and many others) who didn't vote were yelling about a stolen election. No facts, no sanity, no logic, and we who work hard have to put up with this? Did you know that the Blue states actually pay for the deficiency of the Red States? So you are complaining and falsely making statements on our dime. Maybe Republicans should go to work like the rest of us and stop yapping uncontrollably with Jim Jordan talking points that Jordan makes up because it is two o'clock in the afternoon, not based on any legitimacy. Sheesh. Watch this post be removed or get attacked. I allowed Chance Pataki's nonsense to stay on my site as an example of the lunacy.
Richie Furay was a member of the immortal
Buffalo Springfield and, sadly, is a nutcase
For What It's Worth, Indeed!
I’m sitting here a couple of days after the RAID on the previous President’s home in Mar-a-Lago; I’m trying to put myself in the place of what liberal “friends” I have who, like little Stevie Colbert (not that I’m suggesting he’s friend), but those who are reeling with joy thinking that what happened last Monday was the absolute greatest thing they could have ever imagined. I’m trying to figure out what’s at the heart this overwhelming joy? It’s as if the world’s most corrupt and evil person ever, has been taken to task and this time - “he’s gonna pay”!
Really? Pay for what? What did he do? What has he done that would warrant such overwhelming glee, let alone such action by the most highly respected law enforcement agency in America? But there they were, fully armed - locked and loaded at his doorstep – the former president of the United States, not some ordinary Joe whose rap sheet is 47 years (I mean) pages long. This president has been under scrutiny for the last six years, ever since he came down the escalator, announcing his run for the presidency. No President has been so scrutinized, over and over again (it’s a wonder he ever got anything done for the Nation he loves and served, but he did) and still nothing he’s been accused of since he took office has been made to stick – nothing!! Pelosi, Shiff, Nadler - none of them made anything stick and neither will the likes of Cheney or Kinzinger or Thompson. They’re just making a mockery of our judicial system, spending our money and getting nothing done that they were sent to Washington to do – govern!, not to go on “witch hunts” driven by hatred and fear because of what might personally be revealed. Ahem!!!
Still, 24/7, the Democrats and rino Republicans are relentless, bound determined to bring this (previous) president down while corruption in our government runs amuck – the economy is in the tank; the southern border is non-existent; lawlessness runs ramped on our streets, foreign policy is a joke - all along the focus is on the previous president while legitimate and questionable actions by others of the ruling, opposing party – are suspiciously ignored.
What has happened to our sense of law and order in out Republic? How have we let the “woke” rise to such a fever pitch when any decent, thoughtful person sees it for the hypocrisy it is and, that it truly is worthy of investigation and prosecution. Why is the Democrat party so intent on bringing charges (made up, unsubstantiated, false charges at that), against the previous president (which one’s have stuck?)?
(How many years of scrutiny that the previous president has gone through would it take to find real corruption and criminal behavior right across the aisle?) Are they truly afraid he would have (and will, in time) drain the swamp in Washington?
The obsession demonstrated by the Democrats is remarkable and childish; remarkable in that anyone (like little Stevie) still believes them – childish in that it’s like a personal, schoolyard vendetta - and he must be stopped because he threatens the “honesty” and “integrity” (that’s a joke) of his opposition.
Don’t even try to question me on the legitimacy or constitutionality of the conduct of the RAID that took place – it was political in nature, period!, used to intimidate and threaten the possibility of a potential run in 2024 – and righting the wrong of the 2020 election. This is truly what hatred and fear can do – cause irrational thinking, and that’s why, if you believe there was corruption and deception in the system we use to elect our leaders in government, if you’re tired of seeing the United States of America slip into 3rd world status – then, let’s try one more time to make changes necessary to right the wrong – make a stand, VOTE them all out.
OK, sorry, maybe I got sidetracked because it seems so ridiculous – watching and listening to the analysts, as grown adults mind you parrot the talking points of the day, mimicking the “catch” word all with a straight face. This is truly sad. Is there any honest and legitimate journalism coming from the news outlets? Some are better than others (if they haven’t been removed from DirecTV) – but still … … …
I’m gonna stop for now, as disheartening as it is to see what’s happening right before our very eyes (for anyone who’s looking); but we, as a Nation cannot sustain the burden being placed upon us, the middle class (let alone those living hand to mouth) if things are allowed to continue – unchecked.
I hear the gleeful talk about a “new world order” and these are just “growing pains” as we’re forced to acquiesce. Well, let me tell you there is a “new world coming” but it’s not what many are envisioning. And yes, a Dictator will be in charge who will put down all unrighteousness of men (Romans 1:17-18) and will establish a rule and reign of righteousness for 1,000 years (Revelation 19-20). It will be a time of unheard of peace because the One in charge will be known as the Prince of peace. His name is Jesus. Of course it is my desire that you know Him in a personal way (that’s the only way one can really know Him) – your choice, to believe or not believe. Jesus said (John 3:16-21):
16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
17 "For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
18 "He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
19 "And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
20 "For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed.
21 "But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God."
With that …
2 May mercy and peace and love be multiplied to you.
3 Beloved, while I was making every effort to write you about our common salvation, I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints.
4 For certain persons have crept in unnoticed, those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.
5 Now I desire to remind you, though you know all things once for all, that the Lord, after saving a people out of the land of Egypt, subsequently destroyed those who did not believe. Jude 1:2-5
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