Sunday, August 28, 2022

Racist Johnny V is Fuming About the NY Election Loss, But He Will Never, Ever Admit It!

Racist Johnny writes: ""with the fictional Supreme Court" OK, now you've got my interest. Please tell us all exactly how the Supreme Court is "fictional" as you say? Go ahead. We'll wait..."

Joe V responds: ... why, Johnny, when you are SO allergic to facts and just shoot spitballs like a tenth grader in detention?

 Here we go, some clown with a population of 4,509,394* in 2021, Addison Mitchell McConnell III , holds up Obama's Supreme Court nominee for a pack of liars, two sexual harassers on the corrupt court, one of the harassers married to a White woman while being Black who doesn't like bi-racial marriage. 

 Well, Clarence would know, wouldn't he?

*2021 population of Kentucky