Thursday, June 25, 2020


1,635,224 @ 12:25 AM  JUNE 25 2020

1,635,101 @ 9:24 PM


I received an email this morning from the City Clerk forwarding a resolution that Councilor Knight wants to discuss at tonight’s regular Council Meeting at 7PM. It is not on the agenda for discussion, and I will be voting against allowing it to be discussed. It is my hope that it is ruled out of order by the Chair due to it not being on the agenda in violation of Open Meeting Law.
Even more disturbing, this resolution is a “plan” to hold in-person budget meetings with NO ZOOM OPTION. Public participation would only be allowed by email and phone. A live video participation option is not included. Additionally, there is no option for department heads who do not feel comfortable with an in-person meeting to attend these budget meetings in a different way.
Then there is discussion of holding the final Public Hearing in an “outdoor location.” I hope the weather isn’t hot, sunny, and windy like it is in Medford in June and July. Along with the continued pandemic risks, the weather will also deeply limit public participation.
This proposal would be a disaster, and an entirely untested way of doing public participation. We have a system that works for many people, the Zoom meetings we have been holding for over three months. Elected officials who have poor internet have been invited to City Hall to be set up in a safe, private room with a good connection.
I hope you join us at tonight’s regular Council Meeting at 7PM via Zoom (apparently everyone will be in attendance) to participate and voice your position on how this process should move forward. Zoom information so you can participate live is below.
Phone: +13017158592,,99562929138#
I will be voting against the motion to take this up under suspension, I will be voting against it on the floor, and I hope it is ruled out of order. I will not support or participate in any process that limits public participation or endangers the health of our community.