Wednesday, May 19, 2021

David McKillop's Announcement: McKillop for Medford City Council


Four and a half years ago I ran for Mayor, not because I felt the need to attack the then current Administration, but because I was compelled to run. 

I believed that I had great ideas that could help drive the engine of prosperity for all and move Medford forward . It was an experience of a lifetime and out of that I learned a lot about our city . 

I learned that as diverse as we are we always found a way to not only co-exist but to thrive . From one neighborhood to the next, I found close knit friends and neighbors all working, living, and sharing there life experiences with one another. Sure there are differences and there will forever be issues to address, but I was always proud to be a resident for over 30 Years.

 Fast forward to today, the Medford I and so many depend upon I feel is forcibly being transformed. Some elected officials have un apologetically chosen to follow a narrative that quite frankly does not fit the description of the great people of this city and that CAN NOT CONTINUE. Change can be good but not when you are forced to accept what is being changed without having an opportunity to express your desires. We do have a voice, and it is projected loudly by way of voting, and this November I encourage you all to be heard loud and clear. 

TODAY, I AM HUMBLY ASKING YOU TO ALLOW ME TO REPRESENT OUR CITY AS ONE OF YOUR SEVEN CITY COUNCILORS. Together we can focus on our community and not the national agenda. We can focus on what will unite us not divide us, and we can focus on what is not working by getting out of the box to come up with great new positive ways to make Medford even better so we can FOCUS ON OUR FUTURE .