Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Knight's Aversion to the Truth: If this were a small story, we and the Transcript and Google News wouldn't be publishing so much about it.


Looks like Knight's mischievous actions are going to court.  We hope to bring you the photos here First!

Google has the Bank incident as one of their TOP STORIES: Adam Knight tells the Medford Transcript "
The incident, according to Knight, was “just an accident. There’s not much of a news story.”
It's a huge story that Adam Knight fled the scene George Washington was honest about the cherry tree; Adam Knight not fessing up to his wrongful conduct, Knight holding himself to the lowest of standards while thousands of people have read the police report on my blog, you do the math. On May 4th the city clerk and city council president conspired to hide this huge story. Now, when the Medford Transcript presses Knight, he claims fleeing the scene of a smashed door at a popular bank on Mystic Ave is "not much of a news story." And Google places it in one of the TOP STORIES. Who are you going to believe? A dishonest city councilor that has harassed citizens for years, or businesses that make their advertisers happy by finding the biggest stories possible? Adam Knight, an elected official and public figure, fleeing the scene "at a high rate of speed" is a HUGE story. But do Medford citizens like forking over $31,000.00 to a city council vice president with an aversion for the truth?