Sunday, August 1, 2021

PART 1 OF 3 - THE RACE FOR THE CORNER OFFICE: Handy Checklist for All Candidates we'll be analyzing each candidate IN THE COMING DAYS

 Who's Been Naughty, Who's Been Nice

YOUR Election Central 2021 Right Here

List of Candidates


12:29 pm August 1, 2021 POLITICAL UPDATE: Scrutinizing the three candidates for Mayor. It is Breanna's to win, by a slim margin, and it won't be easy with the shadow of McGlynn behind Falco. 

1)Breanna Lungo-Koehn ...luckily for Breanna she is facing an extremely weak field.  This woman has not used her intelligence, her legal skills or her experience as councilor and now mayor.  


She'd better remember what I did to Stephanie Muccini-Burke publishing the finger photo and getting Breanna the thousand votes that put her over the top.  A surefire way to win is to dump Neil Osborne and David Rodrigues and beg forgiveness from the supporters who put her in office.  Unfortunately, she has put her faith in that lowlife Rodrigues, the son of a bitch could lose her the election.


2)John Petrella - a Trump candidate can play spoiler but cannot win.  Petrella is going to drain votes from Falco, why do you think Falco has quickly married the dark side, Our Revolution?

Breanna and Falco are evenly matched as far as voters go; Petrella could be the dude to take the guy vote away from Falco.


3)John Falco -

A)The hateful hypocrites at Our Revolution have branded Falco as one of their own.  The disguised progressives talk a good game, heck, if they did what they propose I would vote for them.

But they don't.  Look at the Columbus School, what a travesty, and those are the votes you can subtract from Falco and give to Petrella.    


Falco's cling-on leech, Kerry Laidlaw, is going to be using word of mouth to tell everyone how tight she is with Falco.  It might not be the truth (her child is always at the Falco home, so Kerry uses her kid to say she's best buddies with Falco,) but who cares?  If the crackpot drags Falco down, all the better.  He's already embarrassed himself with the political whores at Our Revolution: Medford, tainted by Paul Ruseau.  Here's the punchline: Falco aligned with criminal Paul Ruseau AND Krackpot Kerry who is out to get Ruseau!!!! 

Is the Laidlaw dysfunctional family infecting Falco's campaign?

It's so decrepit that it is also deliciously lovely!  

Kerry Laidlaw is the anchor that will bring Falco down even further!!!! So much so that even Wicked Witch McGlynn, melting and losing his power, won't be able to stop the inevitable.  


When Falco loses, the city wins.


B)The McGlynn factor.  John Falco is McGlynn's boy and don't you forget it.  McGlynn wants to rape, pillage and plunder the finances of the community.  Don't let him.  Crooked Mike and his selfish daddy  damaged Medford for over six decades. The reign of terror must end.


If it is Breanna vs Petrella in the general election, Breanna wins.

She's got to go after Falco the way that Falco has gone after her, not with innuendo as Breanna is doing but in your face, take-off-the-gloves down and dirty politics.   

Once Falco sided with a city councilor under criminal investigation, he blinked.  Adam Knight is scared, and so is Falco.  Aligning with Our Revolution is proof of that.  The Union Local 22 endorsement means nothing to the citizens...they don't know what it is or where it is.  O.R. will get them some votes, but will lose lots more votes for Falco and Knight thanks to the gift that keeps on giving: the Columbus School fiasco.

BREANNA CAN WIN THIS, ONLY IF SHE MAKES AMENDS with those she's wronged (Hank Morse, Bobby Penta, Tony D'Antonio and others ) AND STARTS LISTENING TO HER SUPPORTERS.   Mike McGlynn would NEVER have made such a fatal mistake as back-stabbing supporters and sucking up to those Breanna doesn't know, and her betrayal has got to be reversed. 

Remember, this publication is over a decade old and we have MANY sources contributing to my knowledge of the political landscape.

I say what the Patch can't say and what Nell Coakley over at the Transcript won't say, she publishes only what Mike McGlynn approves. Gannett Publishing needs to dump Nell to stop McGlynn from controlling the weekly paper.