Sunday, August 8, 2021

Zero Transparency in Lungo-Koehn Administration....yet the alternatives are far worse....YOU ARE stuck in neutral, Medford

 Breanna Lungo-Koehn deserves to be mayor despite the innumerable flaws in her administration. Even if McGlynn is able to cut a deal with Breanna, which is very likely, she will hopefully rein him in a bit. Falco would be a disaster as he would be McGlynn's avatar, and that is unacceptable. No transparency in the application for a criminal complaint against Adam Knight now in limbo at Somerville District Court. No transparency with TV3 and its phony policies and procedures designed to, and successfully, keeping people out. Transparency in government is typical Medford Transcript rhetoric and is not to be believed. If that were so, why would all the public records requests be so necessary to keep her administration honest? Breanna, using a false quote from "publisher McGlynn's" editor over there is inexcusable. Yet, Trump supporter John Petrella and McGlynn Avatar John Falco would be difficult to swallow.