Monday, May 16, 2022

Confessions of a Rotund Racist: The Deanna Deveney Story

 Produced by Richard F. Caravie-LOL

Directed by George 

"Bloody Broomstick Sumo Wrestler" 


Confessions of a Rotund Racist

Key Grip: Neil "I hate Whitey" Osborne

Music: Neil "I Want to Punch Whitey" Osborne

Malice: Stephanie Muccini-Burke

Violence: The Edward P. Finn Corporation

Brady Infestation: Captain Kevin Faller

Inappropriate Conduct: Officer Paul Covino

Reverse Racism: Neil Osborne

Inappropriate Hiring: Marice Edouard Vincent

Dietician: Isaac Bruce "Zac" Bears IIIII

(good luck with that!)

Additional Fat Jokes: Adam Hurtubise

Door Smasher: Adam the Madame Knight

Rose Colored Glasses:  Breanna Lungo Koehn

FADE IN:   Attorney Deveney, LLC, of the firm Lumpy, Lardy and Corrupt (the LLC) has denied a homosexual access television time.  Her hatred of minorities festers the more she looks in the mirror to see the ripples of cellulite that emerge like a plague of locusts on a daily basis.

Muccini-Burke has stolen one election and had an invisible opponent in the second, but now she's up against Polyanna Breanna whom the world likes, and she knows she is in trouble.

Deveney: "If you lose this thing, Stephanie, I'll have to go to Everett where the Feds show up on an hourly basis.  They may get a Zoom video of my racist ways, and that could end the reign of terror you might exact on an unsuspecting YMCA now that you've blackmailed Gary Christenson over that photo of him at Anthony's with a notorious homosexual."


P.S.  Some of this ain't parody, you figure it out.