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Crop Rotation For Medford Politics A discussion of why we need new politicians to run for office in Medford Jun 25, 2012 at 3:17 pm ET | Updated Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 3:30 pm ET

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Crop Rotation For Medford Politics A discussion of why we need new politicians to run for office in Medford   

 by Joe Viglione 

Merriam-Webster defines "Crop rotation" as "the practice of growing different crops in succession on the same land chiefly to preserve the productive capacity of the soil."    I used the metaphor previously in an early 1990s OpEd in Billboard Magazine on the record industry's penchant for stagnation.  It works equally well for politics, especially local in ...Medford politics.

As the Mystic River seems to keep clammed up somewhat like the Dead Sea, though with life still functioning (the Dead Sea being 8.6 times saltier than the ocean doesn't offer much hope) Medford is stagnant and stale thanks to the crusty political world which selfishly thinks about the few rather than the many.

It's time for some crop rotation. A quotable online resource states "Crop rotation confers various benefits to the soil. A traditional element of crop rotation is the replenishment of nitrogen."

Breathing room.  Some fresh air.

Those of you who have heard my speeches at the City Council may have heard a reference to boards and commissions.  These speeches appear to be rich with ideas that local reporters realize are worth exploring.  That's a great big positive. Transparency is key to change in Medford, Massachusetts and when the reporters hear that certain boards at non-profits that are supposed to benefit Medford do not have proper boardsmanship

Which brings up an entirely different matter - one we call, the "media blackout."

The now-infamous Medford Housing Scandal broke right before the election on Fox 25 News, scooping all Medford publications and - incredibly - a "cone of silence" with some journalists ducking in to Maxwell Smart's Sgt. Schultz vacuum. "I hear nothing...nothing...".  So the election of 2011 went on with absolutely no discussion of what would turn into a blockbuster event come April of 2012, the Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts not only removing  Mayor McGlynn's uncle from the Board of Directors of the Medford Housing Authority, Deval Patrick now considering taking control of all 242 such entities sprawling across Massachusetts.  McGlynn only won by about 2500 votes, no matter how the Mayor - in his 25th year - spins it.  He was vulnerable and that story could have garnered enough votes to have McGlynn removed from office.  But the local press refused to run with it, despite it unfolding on broadcast television in Boston.

An event like the Governor removing a Mayor's uncle would not be happening if people weren't proactive in asking the tough questions are elected officials should have been asking. If residents didn't take the initiative and fortitude to ask the Governor if he knew he was appointing the Mayor's very own uncle to the Board of Directors of the Medford Housing Authority; appointing Uncle Gene while the Executive Director, Bob Covelle, was also linked to City Hall with his sister-in-law working directly in the Mayor's office as the Assistant to the Director of Personnel.


Let's look at Crop Rotation and the MBTA.    The history is lengthy so keep your scorecard handy and bear with me.

The interim general manager of the MBTA from fall 2009 to spring 2010 was William Mitchell, prior to Richard Davey being hired.   Daniel A. Grabauskas "resigned" on or around August of 2009 (some say he was pushed out the door by the Patrick Administration) to be replaced by Mitchell (now deceased) who was replaced by Richard Davey.  Three years later Grabauskas went off to Hawaii and, according to a February 2012 article in the Hawaii Reporter "(Grabauskas) would be hired under a three-year contract, with an annual salary of $245,000, along with other perks that include a $36,000 yearly housing allowance and an $6,000 transportation allowance."  Grabauskas was hired in early April of 2012 and became Honolulu's "highest paid city employee."   The Hawaii Reporter stating: "Daniel Grabauskas is the new CEO of the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation. Grabauskas was the general manager of Boston's train, which is the oldest and fifth largest system in the country."  The question is, why did such talent - good enough to get more money than any other city employee in Honolulu - leave - or get forced out - of a city in desperate need of good management for its transportation system.

Prior to August 2009 when Grabauskas was allegedly "resigned" a Boston Globe Feburary 2009 article by Andrea Estes noted two State lobbyists were let go.  That article states: "The MBTA spent $48,000 last year on lobbyists. According to spokesman Joe Pesaturo, the two lobbyists, Jack McGlynn and William Ryan, were let go in a "cost-cutting move." They had helped the MBTA "file and track T-related legislation," Pesaturo said."  

Jack McGlynn is of the law firm McGlynn & McGlynn in Salem, Massachusetts.  He is also one of Mayor Michael J. McGlynn's brothers.   The above referenced article begins by saying "Governor Deval Patrick is taking aim at a time-worn Beacon Hill practice that, on the surface, seems paradoxical: state government hiring expensive lobbyists to influence state government."

Now let's come full circle on this.   The MBTA site noted on August 22, 2011, less than a year ago, that "MBTA General Manager Richard Davey today announced that Jonathan Davis will become the acting MBTA General Manager and MassDOT Rail and Transit Administrator when Davey assumes the role of Secretary and Chief Executive Officer of MassDOT on September 2nd."

Who is Jonathan R. Davis?  He is the brother-in-law to Michael J. McGlynn, Mayor of Medford, whose uncle, Eugene McGillicuddy was recently removed from his Governor Deval Patrick-appointment to the Board of Directors of the Medford Housing Authority.   Jonathan Davis lives on Governors Ave in Medford and is married to Bernadette McGlynn Davis. 

Which would also make Jonathan Davis the brother-in-law of lobbyist Jack McGlynn... both McGlynn relatives involved with the MBTA.

To finish up on the MBTA portion: Richard Davey was promoted - the MBTA site broadcasting in August 5 of 2011: "Governor Deval Patrick today announced that he will appoint Richard A. Davey as Secretary and CEO of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, MassDOT, effective September 1st.  Davey will replace outgoing MassDOT Secretary and CEO Jeffrey Mullan, who last month announced his decision to resign in order to return to the private sector.

Crop Rotation For Medford Politics

A discussion of why we need new politicians to run for office in Medford