Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Why Stephen Lebert Should Be Incarcerated!

 The theme this month is bullying by Government Officials.

How the hell did a criminal like Steve Lebert get away with it?  Police Union and the Ultra Corrupt former Mayor Michael J. McGlynn who might as well be gangster Tony Soprano.

It disgusts me when criminal police behavior is swept under the rug

Lebert was the worst of the worst, but that fact doesn't let the criminal behavior of Paul Covino, Captain Kevin Faller, Edward P. Finn, Paul MacKowski and Richard F. Caraviello be any less slimy, wrong and cry out for the punishment of those sick, twisted and depraved individuals.

They are not ABOVE the law, and for elected officials, hired/appointed bad individuals and government entities like police to break the law with impunity, there should be legal consequences that are retroactive.

Stalker Steve harassed me for over three years

I am pressing charges within the statute of limitations.

Interesting if Stalker Steve turns out to be mega criminal Stephen Lebert, right?  

Seeing that bastard rot in a cell will not only please me no end, it will do the entire world a favor.

Stephen Lebert needs to be in prison.  

With the fat ugly breath of Dick Caraviello on top of him, for all eternity.  Still wouldn't be punishment enough, but it will do.

I have no tolerance for elder abuse.

Julie "the Jarhead" Kelleher abused this elder repeatedly.   Jealous and angry that she can't write her way out of a paper bag, she fixated on an old homosexual.    

She committed elder abuse.

Ron Cox deserves to be in prison for it. 

That cheat Ron used people like Kleenex and threw them away.  Cox has something in common with Kelleher: they aspire to be writers or cartoon artists, get on a board of directors or in as E.D. and force their crap on the world.     You look at their writings or etchings and say "Who let this idiot out of third grade without a diploma."

Cox retiring is a good thing for the community, but the son of a bitch should be in prison for his criminal act, which he fessed up privately to the victim.

Bullying.  Elder abuse.  When individuals in positions of power tell me that Malden Access TV is a TOXIC place that people should run from, there you have it.

Cox didn't serve the community; he needed to massage his tender huge ego and his low self-image. Same with Kelleher.  The community needs to expel those bullies for good.

Obe Ron Kenobi should be arrested, charged and put away for a long stretch.  He hurt the community.

But my focus is on exposing Stephen Lebert as the example that should be sent to prison for two decades.  What Lebert did was horrifying.  What Kelleher did was deviant and wrong.

The current board and E.D. at the Malden TV station should be held accountable to the parents when their kids are exposed to that kind of unbalanced and unhinged personality.   

When will Arthur Alan Deluca be charged with elder abuse?   It won't be soon enough.

This series is going to dig deeper into why all of the above referenced individuals are a clear and present danger to a sane society.

This blog is powerful, has tons of readers, and we are going to start a campaign of cleaning up the communities infected by bullies who use violence as a way of terrorizing and hurting kind, hard-working people they are so jealous of.



  1. departing from usual or accepted standards, especially in social or sexual behavior.
    "deviant behavior"

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