Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Tuesday, July 2, 2024





why is the Miami Herald even reporting on this i wonder. the closest decent sized city to Hinesville is Savannah. all the news stations have been reporting on this. maybe they should have posted the Savannah Morning News article.




She was suicidal. She picked him up at the gym after texting him a bunch of desperate messages. She probably decided to end it all and take him with her. 


He should of never gotten in the car. That was not a smart thing to do and it cost him his life. 



Not often we hear about a woman being the perpetrator of a murder/ suicide act though- rare I think.



More info: They had recently ended a 7 year relationship that began in high school. They worked at the same station, and he had recently moved in with his parents to give distance. He was on a date with a new girl at Olive Garden and Anderson stalked his car, went in, and started fighting with him in public. The new girl left and the fight was taken outside. She was arrested last Saturday because keyed his car. She posted her own bond. She told authorities that she was just mad at him for moving on after they were together so long. His mother said that Anderson had threatened suicide on multiple occasions and feared that Anderson was in a dangerous head space as she had stalked her son at work, at his gym, on his dates, etc.

My thoughts: she snapped and decided that if she can't have him then no one can.



In my freshman year in college, I met a very beautiful young lady. Not to date myself, but a new Prince album had come out, and she asked if I wanted to come over to listen to it. I was totally intrigued. Here was a slightly older, very good looking women, who had a job, a car, her own place, and the same taste in music. I thought what did I do to deserve this. Well, while listening to the album and after a couple of glasses of wine, she began to open. Which led to the bombshell that in her past, she had tried to commit suicide. This totally blew my mind, and at that age I didn't know how to respond correctly. But all deals were off. I was just trying to get out of her apartment as fast as I could. Of course, she never spoke to me again. Which was OK with me. But over the years, I have learned how to deal with people with mental issues, that I didn't know then. But in my mind, you don't start a romantic relationship with someone with mental issues, unless you are sure you can handle it. And I'm still not able to. Hope this isn't what happened here, but it seems like one of them had personal issues.







INTERNAL AFFAIRS SHOULD INVESTIGATE MEDFORD OFFICE PAUL COVINO Same Bald Head as Trooper Proctor, similar malfeasance alleged!


When will they investigate Medford Police Officer Paul Covino? Same Bald Head as Trooper Proctor, similar malfeasance alleged! Trooper Proctor, the lead investigator in the death of John O’Keefe and Karen Read murder case, came under fire for a series of disparaging texts he sent regarding Read, which he read aloud in court. Proctor admitted on the stand that these texts were “unprofessional.”
When asked by reporters about his testimony, Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey said it was “terrible” and that it harmed the integrity of law enforcement.
An internal affairs investigation into Trooper Proctor’s alleged misconduct is ongoing, according to Mawn.
Proctor will face a duty status hearing where officials will determine how to proceed with his employment.