Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Trump's Faked Assassination was like Bush's Dumb Mission Accomplished


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mission_Accomplished_speech  Joe Biden: Please call Seal Team Six - Donald Trump is a traitor and rapist (noted by a judge in a Trump case,) and this GOP will be seen from the viewpoint of history as the most damaging moment thus far in our Democracy. Trump is a dirty rotten bastard, and our great President Biden must find a solution for this nonsense. Trump's fake "attempted assassination" was another fraud from the Fraudster-from-Hell, Donald J. Trump. Remember the huge, expensive, failed publicity stunt from the nitwit psychopath George W. Bush entitled "MIssion Accomplished?" We are being screwed by this dying Republican party. To date (May 4, 2023,) an estimated 187,000 to 210,000 Iraqi civilians died in the violence of the Iraq War. Much of this total is also due to the rise of ISIS in the 2010s, a group formed from Sunni insurgent factions that took root following the invasion.   This travesty is horrible. Trump is a crook, a felon, a thug. Anyone think such a dishonest person wouldn't stage a reality TV show fake "assassination." The other zucchini brain George W. Bush - charged taxpayers about half a million, if I recall, for his publicity stunt called "Mission Accomplished" while Bush killed Americans and Iraq people over his lie: "On May 1, 2003, United States President George W. Bush gave a televised speech on the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln. Bush, who had launched the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq six weeks earlier, mounted a podium before a White House-produced banner that read "Mission Accomplished". These disgusting loony Republicans are raping America of its soldiers, its money, its people American deaths in the Iraq War totaled 104 when President Bush gave his Mission Accomplished speech. A further 3,424 Americans were killed in the war through February 2011, when American combat operations there haltedhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mission_Accomplished_speech....