Saturday, July 6, 2024

Untalented Hack Writers Betraying Democracy for Eyeballs


Elections "Reporter" Kathryn Palmer comes from the insane world of Gannett, which 
is actually Gatehouse Media in disguise after buying the Gannett name. 

Biden has this election won, keep in mind the Dukakis poll #s, but the media is 
outrageously attempting to sell newspapers in ways that are vulgar and more
representative of media in Moscow.  I'm not talking about the dwindling readership
of the Boston Herald with Howie Carr and Joe Battenfraud making it up as they go
along for their tiny MAGA audience in a blue state.  I'm talking about writers that
sell their souls for thirty pieces of silver, these minor league Judas Iscariot types
resembling chief propagandist for the Nazi Party, and then Reich Minister of Propaganda,
Joseph Goebbels.    Let me introduce you to Kathryn Palmer from USA Today.

When I managed the Rolling Stones key producer, Jimmy Miller, USA Today
boxes were showing up on street corners around America, in the 1980s.
Jimmy, who produced "Brown Sugar," "Gimme Shelter" and other hot rocks,
dubbed the national publication "McPaper."  The McDonald's of journalism.

It was a good paper back in the day, a friend of mine well respected in the
music industry becoming one of their editors in the 1990s.

Not anymore, as Hannibal Lecter would say to Jodie Foster. 

The publication is a mess at a critical time in our nation's history.

Gatehouse is truly a piece of work.  My old editor at the Medford Transcript was not
a reporter as much as a typist for the Mayor, exiled creep Michael J. McGlynn, who
thought he was impervious until he bumped into me. 

Ol' Nell would say "If you want to do business in Medford" for her excuse for allegedly burying
stories for McGlynn at a rate that would make National Enquirer's David Pecker stand
up at attention, without Viagra.  

When we ousted McGlynn after 28 years (boy was he pissed, he wanted that #30 years 
in office so desperately) his surrogate was angered that the key buried 
story - an allegation of her 17 year old daughter at the high school banging the varsity
coach, a rather good-looking chap, got them into a major battle with yours truly,
in court.  

Heck, that varsity coach seemed to walk by me at a once famous restaurant,
boy was he cute, a superstar basketball player from Burlington...maybe it was the head
clerk, Michael Sullivan, that slid him over to Cambridge to teach instead of prosecuting
him....all for the new mayor, who did steal the election.  Those local Democrats!

I'm not an envious person by nature but, damn, the young female soccer player,
if the rumors are true, had me jealous at the time.  Good for her, shame on him.

One mayoral candidate who gave McGlynn a good run for his money, a high school
teacher, said to me outside council chambers "You're lucky they didn't kill you."
J.G. was a respected individual McGlynn pushed out of the city, the long-time mayor
being so angry, resenting a smart fellow almost out smarting him.  McGlynn made
sure he aligned himself with those lacking in any semblance of intelligence.  
The town drunk as city council president?   Admitting it at the council!!!  See below.

Well, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, I have moved over to Stat Smith-ville
in Everett while - have you noticed - the McGlynn regime is dismantled, disgraced and in
disarray.   Oh Mikey's making a small fortune thanks to his lobbyist brother Jack, and
should send me a thank you note, but - like a Democratic version of Trump, McGlynn
hired a pack of imbeciles to be in power who could never hold a candle to, 
or threaten him politically.  (Dr Rabies, Harvey, Ronny and nephew Paul take

McGlynn was a lot smarter than Trump, and one of the slickest local politicians I have ever
met, but his baggage got to him.  Had he left in 2004 there would be a statue for him
in the square, but he held on to power much too long and left in disgrace.


These creepy "reporters" are now - like Gannett's Nell in Medford (or Everett
where she presumably lives, like me) they are typists for
GOP talking points.   Got to hand it to the devil, the dying, dysfunctional
(George Santos?) desperate GOP, they sure know how to message 
their Goebbels Propaganda, and Kathryn Palmer is too stupid to realize
she is a willing participant.

To be continued.


Joe Viglione