Friday, September 13, 2024

Howie Carr's Dementia while Riding Trainwreck Trump


Tired, Demented Talk Show Host 
(844) 500-4242

Kamala Harris endorsed by Liz and Dick!  I'm reading too many Eddie Fisher
books these days!  Karl Rove calls Trump a Trainwreck.  Republican pollsters
say that Kamala has won the election.  
Headlines on Drudge and Huffpost ...Trump grabbing  Laura Loomer  on her
backside, in photograph In flagrante delicto ---well, it wasn't her kitty....
I have a really funny Loomer joke but it is much too vulgar, even for me,
and I made it up....ha ha....the Titanic had a better chance of survival
and the tired old loser pushing 80 is on the golf course like that episode
of Matlock where the gangster's henchman keeps dropping a fresh golf ball
so the gang leader keeps winning   

If Howie Carr had any brain cells left he would interview racist Anthony DiPierro
and ask him why the town pervert/drunk allegedly runs his campaign.
The perv that sexually harassed me forcing me to make 3 court filings has
finally moved on after I spanked DiPierro's aunty.  He's now attacking women

DiPierro's pet perv in Ward 3, the land of Stat Smith, went after a friend of mine who
turns 70 next week.  "My wife says that I can have sex with you" he told a woman!
And when she rejected Pig Pen and reported on him!  P.S. I have a birthday cake
for her and another gal for this morning's Coffee Hour in one hour, but I digress.

Seriously, Kamala has Oprah, Taylor Swift, Karl Rove and Dick Cheney of the law firm
Winfrey,Swift,Rove, Cheney, LLC and all demented old bat Carr can come up with is...
Hulk Hogan eating your pet python?   Seriously

I gotta get ready for Coffee Hour.  John Garabedian on WJIB is playing "I Love How You
Love Me", think I'll download the sheet music and play it this morning.... I was on WJIB
way back in 2000, my God 24 years ago, the late Bob Bittner allowing me to air my
interviews with Lou Reed, Richard Paul Evans etc.   Yesterday I interviewed Al Greenwood,
original member of Foreigner!  Coincidentally, we had the same attorney (the late Allen Arrow,)
I knew his manager (the late Bud Prager,) and we're both friends with Brother Louie Ian Lloyd.
Wow, fun interview....and John Batdorf was on as well, pop legend with a song in
Guardians of the Galaxy.   Foreigner goes into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in November
and life is wonderful, an adventure every day

And poor old Howie references Hulk Hogan with his wagon firmly attached to dissolving Donald
and Laura Loomer.  Halloween, indeed, has come early!

Howie Carr: Herculean effort to fact check Harris

Just for the record, despite what you’re reading in Democrat religious tracts, Kamala Harris has endorsed using public funds to pay for sex-change operations for illegal aliens in prison. 

Joe Viglione
When asked by Piers Morgan if Harris won, Luntz replied: 'I think more accurately is that Donald Trump lost'. He told a stunned Morgan that when people go to the polls in November, 'I think that he loses because of this debate performance'.

Trump gave 'very close to' the worst debate performance he'd ever seen, Luntz admitted, citing as low points Trump's references to migrants eating dogs and praising Hungary's leader Viktor Orban.
He told a stunned Morgan that when people go to the polls in November, 'I think that he loses because of this debate performance'.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Lots of You in My Life MIX 4 Count Viglione

 Share TinyURL on Twitter send far and wide #joeviglionemedia

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Battenfeld Rants: Why the Herald is Losing Readers Kamala Knocks Out Trump in this boxing match


Wed, Sep 11 at 12:43 PM
Dear Boston Herald,

You are losing readers and losing money with 
Joe Battenfeld's rants.  It is unbecoming.

Trump was awful, HuffingtonPost and Drudge Report slamming Donald from both sides. Taylor Swift endorses Kamala, 258 million followers, 2 million hits almost instantly. Stick a fork in criminal Donald, off to prison he goes
Also, because ABC fact-checked is not unfair, they let Donald ramble and shut off Kamala. They gave the s.o.b. criminal Trump great latitude and he put foot in mouth. A vote for Trump makes you a traitor to the USA and the Constitution.
"But as unfair as [the debate] may have been, it doesn’t change the fact that Tuesday night Kamala Harris baited Donald Trump," argued William McGurn. "The result was that he appeared angry and defensive most of the night, while she remained calm and cool and smiling. It worked. Decision for the vice president."

Battenfeld: Kamala Harris lands blows, gets help from moderators in debate clash

An aggressive Harris looked much stronger than Joe Biden’s pathetic performance that got him toppled from the Democratic ticket. Trump at times faltered and Harris was never really pressed to explain her flip-flops or record by two anti-Trump ABC moderators. 

NY Post
Harris, 59, arrived well prepared to rattle Trump by claiming that military leaders had told her that the Republican nominee and 45th president was a “disgrace,” that world leaders were “laughing” at him and even asserting that “people start leaving his rallies early out of exhaustion and boredom” after he was “fired by 81 million people” in 2020.

Trump was awful, HuffingtonPost and Drudge Report slamming Donald from both sides.


Trump was awful, HuffingtonPost and Drudge Report slamming Donald from both sides. Taylor Swift endorses Kamala, 258 million followers, 2 million hits almost instantly. Stick a fork in criminal Donald, off to prison he goes
Also, because ABC fact-checked is not unfair, they let Donald ramble and shut off Kamala. They gave the s.o.b. criminal Trump great latitude and he put foot in mouth. A vote for Trump makes you a traitor to the USA and the Constitution.
"But as unfair as [the debate] may have been, it doesn’t change the fact that Tuesday night Kamala Harris baited Donald Trump," argued William McGurn. "The result was that he appeared angry and defensive most of the night, while she remained calm and cool and smiling. It worked. Decision for the vice president."

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

It's Time for A Medford Tax Revolt: Large, self-approved raises for Quincy mayor, city councilors have residents upset


QUINCY ‒ A hostile crowd repeatedly jeered and heckled the Quincy City Council on Monday night, disrupting the body's first meeting after summer recess. Most demonstrators came to oppose the pair of pay raises councilors approved last June, despite the item not being on the agenda.

The raises increased Mayor Thomas Koch's salary from about $150,000 to $285,000 and city councilors' salaries from about $30,000 to $43,500.



Large, self-approved raises for Quincy mayor, city councilors have residents upset
A cadre of residents, incensed by recently approved salary increases of 79 percent for Mayor Thomas Koch and 50 percent for city councilors, rallied at City Hall Plaza Monday evening waving signs that said, “Stop the CA$H grab,” calling for a repeal of the raises.

Koch’s raise of more than $100,000, slated to go into effect in January, would make him one of the highest paid mayors in the country.


Monday, September 9, 2024

47 Pages Medfraud City Council
To:City Council Members
Fri, Sep 6 at 11:14 AM

I have attached the agenda for the Medford City Council Meeting on September 10, 2024.  I have also attached the agenda for the Planning and Permitting Committee Agenda on September 11, 2024.


Medford City Council Agenda, September 10, 2024:


Zoom Link:
Call-in Number:+16469313860,,86208052214# US 



Planning and Permitting Committee Agenda, September 11, 2024:


Zoom Link:
Call-in Number:+19292056099,,81362080069# US 


Adam Hurtubise

City Clerk

Medford City Hall, Room 103

85 George P. Hassett Drive

Medford, MA 02155

(781) 393-2425


Please note: The Commonwealth of Massachusetts considers most electronic communications to and from public employees to be public records and disclosable under the Massachusetts Public Records Law and its regulations. *Please consider the environment before printing this email.* 

the agenda for the Planning and Permitting Committee Agenda on September 11, 2024.


 the agenda for the Planning and Permitting Committee Agenda on September 11, 2024.


While Madame President Kamala Speaks in the Debate, the dumb Medford City Council Has a Meeting Agenda, September 10, 2024:


Fri, Sep 6 at 11:14 AM

I have attached the agenda for the Medford City Council Meeting on September 10, 2024.  I have also attached the agenda for the Planning and Permitting Committee Agenda on September 11, 2024.


Medford City Council Agenda, September 10, 2024:


Zoom Link:
Call-in Number:+16469313860,,86208052214# US 



Planning and Permitting Committee Agenda, September 11, 2024:


Zoom Link:
Call-in Number:+19292056099,,81362080069# US 


Adam Hurtubise

City Clerk

Medford City Hall, Room 103

85 George P. Hassett Drive

Medford, MA 02155

(781) 393-2425


Please note: The Commonwealth of Massachusetts considers most electronic communications to and from public employees to be public records and disclosable under the Massachusetts Public Records Law and its regulations. *Please consider the environment before printing this email.*