Sunday, September 29, 2024

Rent Free In a Normal Person's Head

 What do I think about all day long?Impressions from a Normal Person's Brain,editorial from Joe Viglione    World Domination!  Seriously, my mind is fixated on my business 95 % of the time, the other time is spent with good friends and doing things that make us happy   Am I a "workaholic" - actually, I love my work, so posting 400 tracks on Spotify, which is painstaking work, is a delight.  One has to be careful...

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Living Rent Free In Some....

 LIVING RENT FREE IN SOME LESBIAN'S HEADHis name was Karl, he took me to bedA G Q model, we were friends for many yearsOn the table was a knife, he had Nazi Porn onHis hand hit my backside hard, like it was a paddleI put my clothes back on, I had to skedaddle "Joe, please spend the night" in a heavy German accentI just fled Now I'm living Rent Free in some Lesbian's HeadThey'll never find me here, while she is seeing redLet the bull...

An Editorial by Joe Viglione 10:44 pm The Last Day of Summer, 9/21/24

 An Editorial by Joe Viglione 10:44 pm The Last Day of Summer, 9/21/24 Trump anti-life policy Murders Amber Thurman, 28 year old woman who died of Sepsis. Her heart stopped on the table. Donald Trump's policies scared doctors and Trump's killed her.Ridiculous Ronald McDonald J. Trump refuses to do another debate. He won't talk TO the American people, the felon talks...

Friday, September 20, 2024

Intro / Cat in the Dark Track 1 Live at the Rat 11/3/1984

 Intro / Cat in the Dark Track 1 Live at the Rat 11/3/1984 @Spotify @distrokid @mlc_us @soundexchange @ascap @bmi @AudiamMusic @Visualradio2023 @radiowhat @BeyondDawnRadio @catorwebradio @wmfo @RadioRaccoon @CliveDavisInst #joeviglionemedia #Music...

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Phony News: Cult Member Carr has Herald Subscriptions in Downward Spiral

 Boston HeraldMedia Phony News GroupP.O. Box 4004, Westford, MA 01886 (617) 426-3000.Article here: munching on a pet scorpion, Howie Carr dismisses the National Association of Black Journalists, telling the dwindling readers of the Boston Herald...

Friday, September 13, 2024

Howie Carr's Dementia while Riding Trainwreck Trump

 Tired, Demented Talk Show Host (844) 500-4242store@howiecarrshow.comKamala Harris endorsed by Liz and Dick!  I'm reading too many Eddie Fisherbooks these days!  Karl Rove calls Trump a Trainwreck.  Republican pollsterssay that Kamala has won the election.   Headlines on Drudge and Huffpost ...Trump grabbing  Laura Loomer ...

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Lots of You in My Life MIX 4 Count Viglione

 Share TinyURL on Twitter send far and wide #joeviglionemedia...

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Battenfeld Rants: Why the Herald is Losing Readers Kamala Knocks Out Trump in this boxing match

 Wed, Sep 11 at 12:43 PMDear Boston Herald,You are losing readers and losing money with Joe Battenfeld's rants.  It is unbecoming.Trump was awful, HuffingtonPost and Drudge Report slamming Donald from both sides. Taylor Swift endorses Kamala, 258 million followers, 2 million hits almost instantly. Stick a fork in criminal Donald, off to prison he goesAlso, because...