Monday, September 2, 2024

Vote Blue: Rules for my Personal Facebook page; it is NOT both sides desecrating a cemetery, hitting Paul Pelosi with a hammer


IT IS NOT BOTH SIDES   do not listen to that illogical nonsense.

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Here's the Deal, as Joe Biden says: My PERSONAL Joe Viglione Facebook page is promoting Progressive Democrat values, and that means #KamalaHarris #TimWalz and anyone with a D next to their name for this critical election. 

People intruding on my JoeViglione Facebook page will be deleted and/or unfriended and/or blocked. As a logical man who has traveled around the sun seventy times it boggles my mind how immature and downright stupid people are when it comes to the dumb criminal Donald J. Trump (and by extension, RFK Jr.) We must get the Democratic vote out, that's all. There are more of us than "them." They embrace George Santos for a vote, not the American way. They hit Paul Pelosi with a hammer, and tried to kill Nancy Pelosi and Mike Pence on January 6. Fair and balanced in their violence, they will hurt/maim/kill anyone who won't drink their Trumpian Kool Aid. It is sick, easy to spot, and easier to ignore. THEY CANNOT POINT THE FINGER AT US AND SAY "BOTH SIDES" - IT IS NOT BOTH SIDES, DO NOT BUY INTO THE B.S. IT IS ONE SIDE OF SICK, VIOLENT, DEPRAVED MAGA FOLLOWING A CRIMINAL REALITY TV HOST. What also is revealing is how stupid Donald J Trump is, with is stripper wife with her lack of values, plagiarizing Michele Obama and enabling the violence, allegedly, on January 6. Melania Trump is the ultimate prostitute - perhaps the biggest whore of all time, she disgusts me as her entire "family" does. They are "deplorables" as Hillary Clinton accurately stated, and we must ignore them. Our job is to get out the vote, that's it. There are more of us Americans (including good Republicans) than there are of the violent, hateful traitorous MAGA lunatics. They make excuses up after desecrating a cemetery chock full of American heroes.
The most dangerous man in the room is Xi Jinping General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party since 2012, President of China since 2013 Unlike whack jobs Vladmir Putin and Kim Jong-un, Xi is patient, smart, and not getting in the way of MAGA destroying our way of life. Trump's love of dictators and their laughing at him will hand our society to Xi, on that you can bet. Who is Xi Jinping? A man who is smart, methodical and slow in acting, a very patient dictator. That should scare you. Trump wants to dissect America and hand it to those who laugh at him. Our job is to vote #HarrisWalz2024 and for Senators and Congressmen. We can remove Marjorie Taylor Greene, Kari Lake, Jim "gym" Jordan, Mike Johnson, Hawley, Cruz, Gaetz, all the ignoramuses ...the list is endless and they got some power by using Mitch McConnell/Samuel Alito / Clarence Thomas treachery, the tricks of their unethical and criminal trade/charade. Vote for Democratic Congressmen, Democratic Senators, vote Democrat to save the soul of America from these unenlightened fiends. Just get the vote out, and don't fight the suckers and losers who follow Donald J. Trump. They are ignorant and they don't listen. Let's just get the peaceful vote out and fight the bastards in court when they get out of line.