Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Trump was awful, HuffingtonPost and Drudge Report slamming Donald from both sides.


Trump was awful, HuffingtonPost and Drudge Report slamming Donald from both sides. Taylor Swift endorses Kamala, 258 million followers, 2 million hits almost instantly. Stick a fork in criminal Donald, off to prison he goes
Also, because ABC fact-checked is not unfair, they let Donald ramble and shut off Kamala. They gave the s.o.b. criminal Trump great latitude and he put foot in mouth. A vote for Trump makes you a traitor to the USA and the Constitution.
"But as unfair as [the debate] may have been, it doesn’t change the fact that Tuesday night Kamala Harris baited Donald Trump," argued William McGurn. "The result was that he appeared angry and defensive most of the night, while she remained calm and cool and smiling. It worked. Decision for the vice president."