Monday, September 9, 2024

Obituaries in Advance....Obits of the Stars that responsible news outlets have written in advance: #1 and #2 Ed Finn and Retired Cop and piece of human garbage Paul MacKowski


Can't wait to write obits like these for my blog on Corrupt city clerk Ed Finn, Paul Covino, Paul MacGilvray, Paul MacKowski, Kevin Faller (now Melrose Police Chief,) Mayor McGlynn, Mayor Burke, Brian Burke the ADH (allegedly drunk hubby)...Richard F Caraviello, Arthur Alan "Dr Rabies" DeLuca who has an oxygen mask and one foot on the banana peel, Harvey Alberg, Ron DeLucia, Leo A. Sacco, Jr. etc. should prepare them now as most responsible news outlets do.... "Ed Finn was an obese, lying reprobate with no redeeming qualities. He slugged an elder homosexual and got away with it when corrupt cop Paul MacKowski told the senior victim to drop his suit or he would come after him. Blackmail or extortion, you take your pick. Finn and MacKowski were so overweight that the conveyer to the crematorium broke, so the wolves ate them...and got indigestion and died."
Daughter writes withering 4-sentence obituary for late mother
If there is one thing Christina Novak wants you to know it’s that her mother’s obituary is merely a public service announcement.

Novak, who, according to her Facebook, is from Augusta, Maine, became internet famous after her withering four-sentence obituary went viral.

Read the full story.