Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Phony News: Cult Member Carr has Herald Subscriptions in Downward Spiral


Boston Herald
Media Phony News Group
P.O. Box 4004, 
Westford, MA 01886 
(617) 426-3000.

While munching on a pet scorpion, Howie Carr dismisses the National Association of 
Black Journalists, telling the dwindling readers of the Boston Herald that Harris
dodges interviews.  Hey, if J D Vance can make it up on the spot, why not Howie Carr?

Trump didn't kill off his would-be assassin Ryan Routh (the Lyndon LaRouche of 2024,)
like he did poor, demented Thomas Matthew Crooks.  34 x Felon Trump stalked by Crooks, the irony in the name could only have been scripted by Donald himself, and daughter-in-law Lara Trump.  Lara and Eric Trump, the sequel to The Munsters TV show, they dine on dead exotic animals Eric and Don Jr. kill like fish in a barrel. 

Assassins, real assassins, don't miss their target.  Think JFK. 
But "reality" TV host Donald Trump being "saved" from Ryan Routh, two holes 
ahead on his own golf course, is fake sympathy generated in the wake of the felon
getting trounced by the prosecutor in the debate.

When Karl Rove and Dick Cheney have abandoned ship, and when the general public
is disgusted by these "assassins" who, as Captain Kirk said to Kahn "you keep missing
the target" - well, it is just a bad version of "The Apprentice" (chock full of bad episodes,)
when the assassins are - indeed - apprentices, on purpose, and on Lara Trump's payroll.

We all want Trump to live, in prison, behind bars for the rest of his rotten life, and there
is no fear that the assassination attempts are not as fraudulent as Trump's fat lips.

Madame President will finally erase Trump off of our radar.  While Donny is sitting in
Ryker's Island prison, waiting for a Federal lock-up assignment,  Howie Carr will be carted off in cuffs to spout his gibberish at WZLY, Wellesley college's low power or online radio station.  The Boston Herald, in a blue state, will hire Jimmy Lyons to write their columns, while Mike Barnicle laughs from the offices of MSNBC

If you want to know why I stopped my Herald subscription, see Exhibit A below