Sunday, September 29, 2024

Rent Free In a Normal Person's Head

 What do I think about all day long?

Impressions from a Normal Person's Brain,

editorial from Joe Viglione

    World Domination!  Seriously, my mind is fixated on my business 95 % of the time, the other time is spent with good friends and doing things that make us happy

   Am I a "workaholic" - actually, I love my work, so posting 400 tracks on Spotify, which is painstaking work, is a delight.  One has to be careful to lean towards the persistent, not the obsessive, and part of persistence is making money.

     We've built an amazing team, and things are moving more swiftly and efficiently than ever before.    

  Q: With Spotify paying so little, what's the point?

A: You can't turn Spotify's strength into their weakness, they are too powerful, but you can do a sort of Jiu Jitsu where you turn their platform into something other than getting you .0003 cents a spin.  You post your music there to get attention and to use it as a tool to bring in revenues from other sources.  Turn their strength into YOUR strength by utilizing the platform in a unique and creative way.

This is where my mind spends most of its time.  There are public access stations I would like to help out, but at this point in my life, I cleaned up enough messes.  Now the access stations can just air my content.  Too many will fall by the wayside soon as they can't cope with people streaming.  They - for the most part - don't think about the future, and in a benevolent way, I will be "selfish" sort of for my audience and concentrate on my content.  Doing battle with an ignoramus like Dr. Rabies is not a prescription for happiness, especially since that horse was already beaten and has one foot on the banana peel.  No one will shed a tear when Rabies dies!  They will be too busy doing things that make them happy and reaching new viewers worldwide.

Business Jiu Jitsu: Turning A Competitor's Strength into A Weakness