Saturday, December 21, 2019

Medford/National politics: 400 bills passed by Democrats; Mitch McConnel NOTHING of SUBSTANCE

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I, Joe V, thinking of writing an unauthorized sequel to Dale Carnegie's How To Win Friends and Influence People!

Sent: Saturday, December 21, 2019, 11:23:44 AM EST
Subject: Medford/National politics: 400 bills passed by Democrats; Mitch McConnel NOTHING of SUBSTANCE

Medford politics follows Nancy Pelosi's victory

Democrats' bill will get signed by Trump.  He will take credit while being impeached

 This time, Pelosi was beaming—buoyant, even—as she announced that the negotiations over a new trade deal, United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, had produced a result that satisfied not only her caucus but the White House, the other countries involved, and even Richard Trumka, the president of the A.F.L.-C.I.O. “This is the day we have all been working to and working for,” she said. “We are so proud of the distance we have come from where we started with the Administration on this legislation.”

What is exhausting is all the lies coming from the obstructionist conservatives who make up fiction and try to pass it off as fact.


 I think it actually helps prove the point that Democrats have been making.” To beat back Donald Trump’s repeated tweets about “Do Nothing Democrats,” Pelosi and her colleagues had deployed their own overworked slogan—“legislate, investigate, litigate”—to highlight that they were capable of operating on multiple fronts. Malinowski noted, with more than a little exasperation, that the same Republicans who had accused Democrats of setting aside the U.S.M.C.A. deal for impeachment were now accusing Democrats of pushing through U.S.M.C.A. because of impeachment. “Whatever,” he said. “We’re working on both. That’s the point.”

To my conservative GOP friends, come to your senses and stop insulting our intelligence.

A friend, Lisa,  is blindly loyal to Trump, the individual who puts children in cages while President Nancy Pelosi, the real president, has to babysit 
the individual who abuses Twitter the way he has abused his three wives.  Trump.  A crazed woman runs over a 14 year old Mexican girl, that's the result of the right-wing lunacy of "America first."  Well, Mexico IS part of America, North America to be exact, but Trump's dirty rhetoric eggs on racists and the KKK and Nazis and the worst aspects of the human race.  

Yet my Republican friends praise such a reprobate?  

Judge LaMothe to Joe Viglione "You're very logical"

Judge Fitzpatrick "You're an intelligent man"

So why is my logic and intelligence questioned after I brought down TV3?   People are funny, they take what they want for their argument and then 
they criticize the guy who brought them to the dance.

People are praising Michael Marks as if he's some kind of saint.  The guy can get into a fence-falling competition with Caraviello, he doesn't know which hat he is wearing on which day, which is why he can see his own flaws in Mark E. Rumley, the city solicitor.

Back in the 2006 period when Marks was paying a board member of TV3 for airtime while Penta and Lungo-Koehn were NOT paying off the twice-arrested con artist who may have been using the TV3 cameras for inappropriate activity (ask the police about THAT, they have the floppy 
disc and aren't doing a damn thing with it) Marks was too busy aligned with Camuso and Maiocco on the attacks on me.  I can forgive but not forget.

Then Marks allegedly got "religion" - really?  

A calculating politician thinking of his own paycheck before the rights of the citizens - well, Marks got his
own TV show when I had set up a show for him to guest on in Somerville.  He was a no-show.  Ya think councilor Marks ever helped ME get on the air, which was his job and part of his oath of office.  

Your Honor, this logical, very logical, man rests his case.

My blog has done more for improving Medford than Marks, the lone voice at the council howling at the moon.   It's disgraceful.

But while I've got the balls to say this out loud, Marks lets some old geezer on Beacon Hill play with his balls, and allegedly got a job out of it.


The one thing you can't call me is a prostitute, Michael.  Far from it.

Boy am I pissed off this morning at how poorly politicians behave, from the microcosm of Michael Marks to the macrocosm of Trump

Finally the Christian right is denouncing the bastard.  About time.

Now if you have any respect for a friend, try reading this Republican comrades:

the new yorker:
As House Democrats tend to remind any reporter within shouting distance, they have passed more than four hundred bills this year, more than two hundred and seventy-five of which had at least some bipartisan support. In the past three weeks alone, they have passed a new voting-rights act, the annual defense-authorization bill, a drug-pricing bill, and two so-called minibus appropriations bills, which will allocate $1.4 trillion in government spending. “The public thinks we haven’t done stuff because the Senate hasn’t passed anything.” Hoyer told me. “Our message to the American people is, you elected us to be the majority in the House, and we passed all these bills, which carried out the promise we made to you when we were elected. We don’t control the United States Senate, and we don’t control the President of the United States.”

after impeaching the dirty bastard, Trump, they hand him a big victory.  


Because the Democrats want the country to move forward, which is what progress is, what progressive-minds, want and need.   

So Trump gets to sign a bill and claim it when, in reality, it was a  Democratic idea that he stole.   Like Muccini-Burke stealing campaign ideas from Bob Penta.

Mitch McConnell is the poor man's Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars. And remember, Palpatine led the Senate in that film series.  He was just more conniving than McConnell, but still bad for the people.

I voted for Hillary, and I stand by my vote.  3 million more Americans voted for Hillary, and the ones who thought her victory was a fact, well, they see what happened when they didn't show up to vote. We are now saddled with a creep who doesn't know how business works, who is a philanderer, liar and thin-skinned child destroying our world.

It's a wake-up call.

Vladmir Putin makes up a story about Ukraine, the territory he lusts for and wants to overtake by violent methods,
Trump takes the cue from Putin, and you people attack...Nancy Pelosi?


Ugggggg.....I cannot believe my friends are that stupid but, alas, facts are facts

Donald Trump just makes up fiction, like Adolph Hitler did,
and that is unacceptable for me.

Heck, I took down TV3 and removed the mayor's uncle from the Housing Authority

Wish we had Hillary as president, 3 million more Americans feel the same way

and shame on those who didn't come out and support her...the minority in this country is rigging the system

And in Medford Michael Marks, with no integrity, is praised because he's come to his senses and stopped
listening to Dello Russo and Camuso

An elephant never forgets.   Marks didn't help me in my fight for TV3, but now he's on the air

Is that what you want, medford?  A taker, not a giver?

Just because I calls 'em as I see's em, well, do you think Mr. Donato wants to sit across from me
and tell me he doesn't want to hear about his inappropriate actions in front of little children when
our new TV station opened?

Mr. Marks AND Mr. Donato need to march into Breanna's office and tell her that I'm the guy
that can fix access TV

Don't hold your breath.  Why do the RIGHT thing when Marks can get his testicles rubbed by some individual who
should have known better, in front of little kids.! of them!

I rest my case

and...If the Democrats want some advice, here it is, at the last minute have Pelosi run for president against Trump!

I rest my case again.

Joe Viglione for Executive Director of the Medford TV station

Y'all know I have the skills, the passion and the vision for the future

In screwing me you are fucking yourselves...but that's the difference between logic and stupidity

Warm regards,

Joe Viglione  
P.O. Box 2392
Woburn MA 01888