Friday, December 20, 2019

The Rotten Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Rotten Tree

1,500,100@10:45 pm
1,500,017 @ 8:24 pm 
37 since 7 pm 84 minutes

Who does he think he is?

Rick Caraviello or
Edward P. Finn?

Dumb, Dumber and DUMBEST

The Rotten Apple doesn't fall far from the rotten tree! #ImpeachmentDay #Impeached #mapoli #NEPoli #Bospoli #ImpeachmentHearing #impeachtrump #basketofdeplorables #DonaldTrumpImpeached #DonaldTrumpIsOverParty
#impeachthebastard #ImpeachmentHearings #idiot #HAHAHA