Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Alleged Compensation fraud if "Diversity" Director Uses Company Time to Tweet Tom Brady-Bashing

1,577,204 @ 1:36 pm 
1,577,128 @ 10:38 am

If government official Mr. Osborne can't help us with our complaints against the city council Can Neil Osborne PLEASE write intelligently when he trashes Tom Brady? Hope it wasn't on company time...that would be - allegedly - compensation fraud, wouldn't it? Neil Osborne, Esq. @NOsbn4medford
we are currently at 19.4 much room for improvement. Online or over the phone 10 minutes and your counted. OR THIS ONE ON TOM BRADY: Mar 18Neil Osborne, Esq.@NOsbn4medford·
For historic purposes I will comment on Tom Brady. Is it just me thinking thanks Tom and good riddens you are leaving town. We are about to learn if New England's past success was him or Belichick. His leaving is good for the NFL.