Sunday, December 13, 2020


   City Councilor Michael Marks was singing "don't touch me there" to Grandpa at the opening of the new government-controlled access TV station.  How stupid to do that while I, of all people, am there snapping photographs.  File under: Tempting Fate.   See "Don't Touch Me There" lyrics inside this story.  Reportedly, grandpa grabbed Michael Marks' ass at the Elks or Kiwanis the week before. When a city official asked Marks if his ass was grabbed all the politician could say in response was "I didn't feel it."  Yeah, but he didn't say that it didn't happen.  Grandpa Hands purportedly then got the biggest prostitute in Medford, Michael Marks, a job on Beacon Hill.   A hand job for a paying job!   True definition of whore.


How can Medford residents respect elected officials when they behave in an unethical and illegal manner as soon-to-be council president Richard F. Caraviello behaves?
Constituents have to fear Caraviello's temper tantrums and lashing out as he did when he lied to the Medford Police Department.  Constituents have to fear a former council president's civil court cases from his business at Wells Fargo (see below) after that same council president threatened to hit a citizen with a dirty metal pipe...ON CAMERA! (Chief Sacco called it "inappropriate" in writing, but failed to sanction his pal.)
It Was A Crime, Leo!   
Caraviello was incensed that he was under investigation by a journalist, so Caraviello allowed the journalist to get slugged by corrupt ex city clerk Edward P. Finn - praised by Mayor Lungo Koehn who also told an untruth to the press, Lungo-Koehn claiming "He (Finn) never took sides" after Finn had committed a felony by hitting an elder person outside Alden Chambers.
It was beyond unbecoming for Lungo-Koehn to not use her power as a city councilor to complain about Finn's misconduct, in Lungo-Koehn's police report she said she heard yelling.  Yeah, and the yelling was from one voice that she knew very well, Edward P. Finn's.   
I stood there and took the unacceptable violent punishment from Finn, and your mayor did nothing.
Unbecoming?  More like shocking and unsuitable.  Shame on you, Breanna, after I worked so hard to remove TV3's offensive Word Press sites about you, you turn your back on a senior citizen who is a victim of Ed Finn's violent act.  Finn, by the way, also snubbed a subpoena to show up in criminal court, where his conduct would have gone ON THE RECORD.  Just another crime by Finn that went unpunished.
The Mayor of Medford didn't care to come over and stop the bullying, she was across the hall, resulting in Ed Finn slugging me and another elected official telling me to "shut up" about it.  That's right, WITNESS INTIMIDATION by an elected official immediately after a senior was violently attacked by the city clerk.  You proud of this, Medford?
This victim stood silent when Finn pounded me and yelled and screamed at me. 
So this is normal?  To allow yelling and screaming by a city clerk when the victim stood silent and didn't say a word, just got beaten down by an ex football player?  Add the bullying by Mark Rumley or TV3 (which had Rumley as a board member) and you see the mob mentality.  Medford is run and operated by thugs, and now an unindicted co-conspirator, Rick Caraviello, is about to take the reins of power.  Wake up, Medford.
Shame on Lungo-Koehn for allowing a disturbance by a city clerk who was editing petitions by at least two senior citizens...suppressing free speech, which is what Lungo-Koehn is doing at this moment with her government-controlled access television accepting a pay-to-play award financed by your franchise fees, citizens of Medford.   Councilor Lungo-Koehn allowed  Ed Finn's disturbing the peace, after a council meeting, and now we have a mayor with a yellow streak hiding in the corner office.  When it comes to bravery, don't look to Breanna...she only went after McGlynn's appointments with glee AFTER I removed McGlynn's uncle from the board of the Medford Housing Authority.     Your mayor waited for this writer, Joe Viglione, to do the heavy lifting before she gleefully probed incoming appointees to boards and commissions.  My hard worked gave Lungo-Koehn the opportunity to showboat, yet Attorney Lungo-Koehn could have been PROACTIVE instead of REACTIVE.   She wasn't.  She didn't.  She couldn't. Because cowards let the victims do the heavy lifting in this town.  Where's my TV show, Breanna?   Your mayor told me, in writing, to "get a sponsor."  I have a better idea, issuing authority, I'm filing complaints, just as I did before I knocked TV 3 out of the batter's box.   And if you think me incapable of removing Patrick Gordon, Rick Caraviello and even you, just remember, you wouldn't have those 652 or so votes if I didn't publish the picture of the previous mayor giving the finger, flipping the bird, to the firefighters.    You doubt me?  I live for this.  Just ask Mr. Maiocco, Mr. McGlynn, Mr. Pilleri, Mr. McGillicuddy and the others exposed by my quality writings.
AND NOW THE AWARD:  Supreme authority on all-things access television, Zachary Bears, with teething ring in mouth from his mommy and daddy's basement, will bestow upon Patrick Gordon and Cat Darnell applause for the work that they do: keeping residents off of the airwaves while posting city council stuff on the government controlled Twitter account.    Look at the horrendous Medford Community Media website if you want to see poor work ethic, the lack of classes and the fumbling and stumbling.  All Gordon does is take care of the government officials while the cable ratepayers have to walk up a long dark road in winter to do access TV... no TV station located in a central location to make it EASY for the residents.   Intentionally.   Get Gordon away from the high school and city government to earn that seventy thou or so.  Otherwise citizens will continue to get screwed by this mayor, just as the mayors before her screwed the citizenry, with Breanna on OUR side, not their side, as a city councilor.

Caraviello fell in criminal court, with a thud.  So did a highly corrupt Medford police officer NOT on the Brady list, Detective Paul Mackowski.   Breanna Lungo-Koehn's police force is the most disreputable in Middlesex County, according to  District Attorney Marian Ryan.  Here's the punchline: Paul Covino, Kevin Faller, Paul Mackowski aren't on that list when this journalist - based on information and belief - feels that they, and others, should be.  So Breanna plays Pollyanna and opens a new police station with a huge number of officers having been found committing "conduct unbecoming."   Do you have such low self image, Medford, that you want to put up with this?

A City Council president in criminal court, and losing, deserves sanctions, not to be elected again by the highly suspicious city council. 

Medford needs to grow up and stop rogue elected officials from enabling violence against seniors.  It is all there on the record, Caraviello lost, and allegedly committed perjury in criminal court.  Caraviello was asked if he ever moonlighted on the city council, under oath.  He said "NO."  BUT if you look at the video of that council meeting regarding pay-to-park, you can see Caraviello LEAVE the council and walk up to me to say he was picking up a customer for RC Limos, his company.   He then walked out without voting.

1)Caraviello had a moral obligation to vote as a seated member of the council.  Voting for his own pay raise to get 30k a year or so as a councilor, $32,000.00 as council president, approximately, is a kick in the face to the taxpayers

2)Not being truthful to the police, in a police report, and possibly lying to judge and jury is a disgrace, is illegal, and Caraviello needs to be punished to the full extent of the law

3)Seven corporations allegedly owned by Richard F. Caraviello were shut down by the court/Secretary of State.  Allegedly.
Will Mr. Caraviello be forthright with the constituents of the council and tell us his business dealings?  Donald Trump says no.

4)Reportedly, when Mayor Lungo-Koehn met with Governor Charlie Baker at BISTRO, the door was purportedly slammed in the face of Richard F. Caraviello and he wasn't allowed in, according to sources.   Do you want a council president behaving as a groupie outside the door of a concert hall waiting for her favorite rock star to come out and play?  If true, what  an embarrassment.

5)Robert A. Maiocco was exposed after threatening violence.  Maiocco said he could have used a dirty metal pipe to hit this journalist AT the city council.  Ex police chief Leo A. Sacco Jr. stated in writing that it was "inappropriate."   The next morning I spent some time looking up Maiocco's work at Wells Fargo, his "day job."   It was horrendous.

Dingolo et al v. Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC et al
Plaintiff: Robert Dingolo and Dianne Dingolo
Defendant: Wells Fargo Advisors,LLC and Robert A. Maiocco, Jr.
Case Number: 1:2010cv10117
Filed:January 26, 2010 
Presiding Judge:Nancy Gertner
Nature of Suit: Other Statutory Actions
Cause of Action:28:1441 - Petition for Removal: SEC Act

If I recall it was a 1.7 million dollar case against Maiocco, with a Four Hundred Thousand Dollar Settlement, purportedly
After my investigation Maiocco never ran again.

Michael Marks told me that Adam Knight stated: "Fxxxng Joe Vig's blog got rid of the mayor (McGlynn)."  Mr. Marks told me that he replied "Yes, and now he's coming after you."   Truer words were never spoken, except that I'm investigating Caraviello and Michael "Don't Touch Me There" Marks first - before I put some serious time into Mr. Knight's wrongful conduct.

Why is Caraviello, with crimes worse than Maiocco's uncivil behavior, about to put his unclean hands on the city finances vis-a-vis as council president?

It is as sick as the mayor praising a pay-to-play award in another Jackie Rosetti-Piques press release.  And what kind of decision is it to have Piques from Somerville, Patrick Gordon allegedly from Georgetown and David Rodrigues from Peabody working in Medford when they don't give a damn about Medford?  Just more bad decisions from Mayor Lungo-Koehn who is the biggest of disappointments to her supporters.   

There is no access TV in Medford, so the award is a scam.   With dozens of pages of unnecessary policy and procedure designed to keep residents out (or to give unqualified Pat Gordon, the gatekeeper reason to keep people out or throw them out,) you have pure censorship in Medford, in violation of the oath of office of both Lungo-Koehn and Caraviello.  

Which is why it is truly time to file complaints against the issuing authority and the whole damn lot of them.

Q:What did Michael Marks sing to someone on Beacon Hill in order to prostitute himself allegedly to get a job?
A: The Tubes "Don't Touch Me There"
"I love your sweet sweet lips /I love your salty taste
I love your fingertips/ when I reach for your waist
Don't touch me there
(written by Reba McEntire)
(see photo attached; who are you going to believe? That liar Michael Marks or your own eyes?)

We have a photo!   While I was uploading the photo with the N.e. Patriots on TV in the background the announcer stated

"Illegal use of the hands."   
You can't make this stuff up, but there's no reason why Medford taxpayers should accept it.

see illegal use of the hands photo below...Michael Marks being sexually harassed at the opening of the TV station October 2017 ...Marks purportedly getting hired on Beacon Hill ...and allegedly the same person grabbed Michael's behind / derriere the week before at the Kiwanis or one of those drinking holes...

Pelosi calls for VA Sec Wilkie to resign over 'extremely disturbing cover-up campaign of sexual assault'

'Secretary Wilkie has not only been derelict in his duty to combat sexual harassment'

Navy Reserve officer and Hill staffer Andrea Goldstein, reported that a hospital contractor “bumped his entire body against mine and told me ‘I looked like I needed a smile and a good time,’” in September 2019 at the Washington Veterans Medical Center (VAMC).

The 68-page report from the VA's Office of Inspector General illustrated that Secretary Robert Wilkie tried to discredit Goldstein by alleging she was a serial complainer attempting to disparage the VA. The contractor was not charged, in part due to the lack of witnesses or security footage of the incident.