Monday, October 18, 2021

Election Time: Removing Thugs and Thieves from City Government

3:37 pm  All Time
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Protect Your Account from Futher Fraudulent Actions: File a Class Action Suit to Remove the Entire Medford City Government

15 days to General Election 
October 18, 2021 - November 2, 2021

Medford city government works if you can get elected and take advantage of people.
Medford city government works if you can get elected and take advantage of people.

Where is the Boston Herald's TRUTH SQUAD on this?

Exiled mayor Michael J. McGlynn played on voter apathy like it be a fiddle
Friar Tuck McGlynn is not.  McGlynn stole from the poor and giveth unto himself!

Scurrilous ex city solicitor Mark E. Rumley put on his bad actor outfit and currently still plays
along as McGlynn's consigliere.  Francis Ford Coppola would reject Rumley for
being the poor man's Tom Hagen (Don Corleone's right hand man,) 

"A lawyer with his briefcase can steal more than a hundred men with guns"Vito Corleone[src]

Guess Mr. Rumley really took THAT to heart! 

"I have a special practice. I handle one client"  Tom Hagen

Hmmmm....taking a photo of McGlynn and Rumley at Breanna's coronation almost 2 years ago,
I believe it.

Mayor Gary Christenson beware!!!!   "Of counsel" can have many meanings!

Rumley's idea of a good time is having a spitball contest with outgoing city councilor
Michael Marks.  Juvenile delinquents on company time, taxpayers got the bill for the
buffoonery, but nothing got done for the city with those two weasels.

One minute and twenty six seconds

They open their mouths and remove all doubt, with Caraviello slamming the gavel

We caught the stupidity on camera - it makes for good copy, but nothing else

An election day is supposed to cleanse the corruption!  HA!   Not in Medford.
If you believe that, big time phony Neil Osborne has a bridge to sell you.

Diversity Director?  Hardly, just one of Robin Hood McGlynn's many thieves.

Notice how the word "alleged" is conspicuous in its absence from the above truth?

Sue me, Neil.  Discovery on you would be akin to a vacation in the Bahamas.

How much swill can a city endure?

Woburn rape/hazing this past weekend should remind voters of the city's own
councilor of negligence, George Scarpelli.  How can Scarpelli sleep at night after
his ignorance when a youth athlete had a broomstick rammed inside him from the back?

He changed his name to Paul Ruseau, but he's still a convicted felon who was in prison
That's your VP of your school committee?

Vice President of the City Council has his criminal complaint allegedly
still pending at Somerville District Court.

The powers that be won't let the press write the real story, and fat perjurer
Rick Caraviello, who lies to the police and lies to judge and jury, won't let
me speak about it.   A criminal president of the city council   A criminal.

Hey, Rick?  Did you hire a sex offender for RC Limos and then pawn
him off on the Housing Authority ?   Inquiring (and National Enquiring) minds
want to know

James O'Brien had keys to every apartment at the housing authority.
If you have a photo of the sex offender driving your kids to the prom in
an RC Limousine I'll pay you  Fifty Bucks for it right now.

That kind of swill is the President of your City Council?

Michael Marks - another bad actor like Rumley - is ambidextrous.
I'm still amazed how Michael is able to give your kid a lollipop with
his left hand while stealing your wallet with his right.  Amazing, isn't he?

All for Ed Finn?  Remember that when Satan is serving you dinner
in hell, Michael.  You've earned it.

At least Michael Marks is going to hell.  They won't let Mike McGlynn
in for being ultra evil, so he and his lawyer cousin-by-marriage are
going BELOW HELL where it is even hotter.   

I'm sure Jenny Graham, Zac Bears, the creepy McLaughlin lady
on the school committee (did I say lady?  Sorry, the creepy fraud,)
Nicole Morrell, John Falco will all be ready for Halloween to give
your kids a Kelly Laidlaw special, yelling, screaming, outdated candy
and the theft of your Pop Warner and TV3.

Halloween from Hell, your election 2021.

Just don't say I did not warn you, as I always have.

What a damn mess.

11:58 am  All Time

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