Saturday, October 16, 2021

GOP Jimmy Lyons Un-American Playbook Is Dangerous, and Bad for Massachusetts

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Jimmy Lyons
400 West Cummings Park, Suite 5650, Woburn, MA 01801

Oh my God, what has happened to St Agnes Boy-Next-Door in Arlington, Jimmy Lyons?

Once upon a time Jimmy Dandy-Lyons (that's his flower shop, Christmas tree company)
 could have been a stand-in for Leave it to Beaver.
Get to the story later, the overwhelming negative comments against Jimmy 
are quite telling on the Boston Globe site

10/15/21 - 6:01PM  Comment in the Globe
Lyons is what happens when only crazies run for party delegates and people vote for them not understanding what it means.

The article is bad enough...but the comments?

I put "Jimmy Lyons" and "Gay" in Google for the fun of it....and looky here: LGBT Pride Month Featuring Jimmy Lyons
Jimmy Lyons, Founder of advisorCONNECT shares what LGBT Pride Month means to him.

OOops, wrong Jimmy Lyons

Google "Jimmy Lyons" and "Stalked" and you get a different result

William and Gail Johnson, both 53, of 36 High Vale Lane, targeted Lyons and his family, of 12 High Vale Lane, for their opposition to the Johnsons' plans to build a 4,500-square-foot home off Andover Street in Ballardvale, abutting the Lyons' property.



When my lawyer and I were slapping a four year harassment prevention order on a mad lesbian from Malden, Jimmy and his wife Bernie got a 4 million dollar judgment against their stalking next door neighbors.
*LIKE Bette Midler in Ruthless People, I'm marked down again.   I get the ugly, broke, homely female stalker, they get to sue for millions....  I also had to get a protective order against the bitter old woman's accomplice, the juvenile delinquent psycho TV3 station manager.   Mayor McGlynn prancing on TV with him  Good one, ex Mayor Mike. Who next to star in a TV special with, Jeffrey Dahmer?

For the delinquent juvenile's punishment I shut the entire TV station down, which my dear pal Mayor Lungo-Koehn has taken advantage of!  Once on our side Breanna has swiped the station for her
own uses.  At least she doesn't stalk me and instead does a photo op with me, like the Malden mayor has. Why do these mayors take pictures with me?  when I'd rather they let me interview Jodie Foster and Gronk and all the members of the Doors and Grand Funk again on the local access stations....Sheesh....Keep Joe off TV, he's too mouthy, but let's take pictures with him.   I can't figure it out either.
And now a word from our sponsor....not really....

Rep. Lyons, family awarded $4.8M over harassment
Jury orders damages in lengthy feud with neighbors


What did some cop say to exiled police chief Leo A. Sacco Jr. "Why oh why don't they just give him his TV show?"   I can be a handful when our civil rights are stripped away....

At Dunkin in Medford I said to my lawyer "How appropriate!  We're getting relief from the meat-cleaver-swinging lesbian and Jimmy, who went to St. Agnes with me, and Bernie got their stalker too.
They were in the Boston Globe or something the day we were getting justice against Miss Lonelyhearts from the Malden TV station.  Didn't anyone clue her in that a lesbian stalking a homosexual man
is still going to conclude in her not getting a date!    Not only do I get the BROKE stalkers I can't sue for damages; I get the dumb, creepy-looking ones as well.

(The judge was very irritated that the Malden screwball had put a blood-dripping meat-cleaver over a photo of my head she took at my home.  I'm certain the witch had broken into my home while I was on a
business trip to New York; my late life partner's taxes opened on the front porch when I returned.  She was fixated on my best friend as well as me.)

So let's get back to Mr. Lyons.   I cannot believe Jimmy has gone this Donald Trump-Nutty.   I mean Bill Tauro, my publisher, embracing Trump I get.   But Jimmy? 

There's a current court case where mayoral candidate Billy Tauro and I and 22 others are all defendants... George P. Hassett's great great great great grandson! sued all of us, including 13 John Doe types,  
That prompted me to put some shirtless John Doe guys on my blog (their names actually DOE!) and demanding discovery in the case...if you get my drift.   John Does, Shirtless, Discovery,, get it?  Oh well...

Before I even opened the quasi-court documents from the lunatic it was appropriate for me to offer the constable tea and crumpets and a Jackson Browne record (the constable likes James taylor and Jackson Browne and I, of course, have 5,000 vinyl albums in the lobby of my home)....I called Mr. Tauro "Billy, it says in the lawsuit that I said you kissed disgraced clerk Ted Tomasone's ass!  What your stalker Hassett doesn't say is that after I said you kissed his ass....YOU HIRED ME!"  ...we had a good laugh over that... I countersued the jerk for 25k....his daddy left him the money, let's have some fun.

Teddy Tomasone - disgraced clerk - used to hide from me at Somerville Court.  I got thrown out of there twice.  Like I always say "Better to get thrown out of court than dragged in."  My late life partner's dad was the first  judge to throw F. Lee Bailey out of a courtroom, but here I am digressing again.   Oh it's a Saturday afternoon and the Red Sox are up 8-0 so enjoy my etchings.

God Bless Judge Lynda Connolly for allegedly putting the Somerville Court Clerks on "court probation" after I wrote her--- alleged by the late John from Medford caller on sports radio, as he told me.  I mean Maggie Weeks THREW MY VICTORY over TV3 in the trash can and double-sided my other victory.  Can you believe that?   Can you imagine what she said about me to the judge?  I'm assuming "crackpot, nutcase, pain in the a....."   But in oral argument I changed the judge's mind and he called me "Very Logical."   Got that right, I shut down TV3 and got the ol' Wreck of the Hesperus Maggie Weeks spanked by the judge, allegedly.   

Ex Solicitor Mark Rumley's eyes rolled when I told him I told Weeks I was going to put a restraining order on her if she sent me one more post-it-note in the mail!  Really, the audacity.  At 38$ bucks an hour she
could have at least written me a love letter.   Maggie and I get along these days, she served the disgraced ex president of a non-profit with my application for an R/O against him.  God bless her corrupt little heart.

Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy....i mean seriously, all joking aside, you were never this demented at St. Agnes.   What kind of flowers are you selling at Dandy-Lyons these days?

I'd try 'em out but the church I go to is very anti-drug....Mrs Eddy would NOT be happy


Lyons shot back in a statement Friday afternoon, saying he has no plans to resign and that it is Baker who is “abandoning the principles of the Republican Party.”

“Sorry Charlie, unlike you, I will continue to fight for this great country and will continue to refuse to submit to the agenda of the radical left,” Lyons said in the statement.

Baker and Lyons have a chilly relationship, and head two warring factions of the state’s underdog party. Baker, a moderate, popular second-term incumbent, takes a bipartisan approach in his dealings with the Democratic-dominated Legislature; Lyons, for his part, leads a more conservative faction of the party that argues Republicans in the state should take a harder line despite their minimal power on Beacon Hill.