Thursday, October 28, 2021

Rest in Peace Jo Jo Laine

Fifteen Years without Jo Jo Laine 

Jo Jo Laine

Born Joanne LaPatrie, Danvers MA 

July 13, 1952— London, October 29, 2006
was an American singer, model and actress

My new song
"We're Having So Much Fun"
for you, Jo Jo.  Good times...

The late George Skaubitis (4/2017 - Warner Bros. rep) introduced the late Jo Jo Laine (Oct 29 2006) to the late Lou Reed (October 27 2013) at the Orpheum Theater, Boston.   

I'm still here...missing them all. 

Friday is 15 years! God Bless jo jo Friday #October 29 2021, 

           Fifteen Years without Jo Jo Laine 

                                 Jo Jo Laine

George was 66, Jo Jo 54 - Lou 71.   Rather sobering that so many friends and people whose lives have touched have drifted on to the other universe. 

Tracy Bonham, great Boston singer, was in line with me. I turn to Jo Jo and say "Jo Jo, do you know Tracy Bonham" and Jo Jo says "Tracy, I Knew Your Dad" (meaning John Bonham of Led Zeppelin.)  It was a joke as Tracy is not related to the Zep drummer, but Tracy played along with me.   

Lou Reed had two dogs, the Count and the Duke ...some rock and rollers thought it was The Duke, David Bowie, and the Count, Joe Viglione.  It was actually for Duke Ellington and Count Basie, of course.  But Jo Jo went up to Lou and said "Do you still have the dogs..."  Too funny...implying that one was named after me.  Lou was smiling....good times.  Thank you George!

At the Atlantic Records 40th Anniversary party there were three different color backstage passes.  The late Ahmet Ertegun, God Bless him, always kind to me, allowed us to get tickets.  My entourage was about six people but it got larger at the party.  We had the orange pass for dinner, but not access to the dressing rooms, of course.  I turned it upside down in my shirt pocket so that you could see the pass but not the color.  Everyone followed me, including people we were socializing with.  I walked right by security and up to Led Zeppellin's room.   Jo Jo waltzes up to Robert Plant "Robert, dahling, how ARE you."

God I miss that girl.

Jo Jo had dated a guy named Terry before I met her. He was purportedly best friends with Jimmy Page of Zeppelin.  They gave Terry a heart transplant.  He demanded his old heart so that he could eat it. He wanted to eat his heart out.  The doctors refused.  He didn't live long after the transplant...had they allowed him to eat the old heart, would he have extended his life?  Who can say?

Page is said to have sent a big bouquet in a big red heart to the wake.

Remember me.   We certainly do.

Being such a close friend I almost forgot, Jo Jo was also a client.

the new business card....with the seagull flying over the waters of Maine.  That's me.   Photo (C)2021 Joe Viglione

Ain't No Mountain High Enough