Sunday, May 8, 2022

Though I am Pro Life, Why Abortion is Necessary

what happens when an aborted fetus survives?

The result is Rick Caraviello, the stalker who phoned last night, the two Malden stalkers at Ugly Media Arts (the former MATV) and other unwanted, unloved trash that refused to be disposed of.

Some companies have publicly urged other businesses to take a stand. “Given what is at stake, business leaders need to make their voices heard and act to protect the health and well-being of our employees. That means protecting reproductive rights,” Levi Strauss & Co. said in a May 4 statement.

To be sure, taking a stand on a polarized issue such as abortion presents challenges for companies who are dealing with multiple constituents with differing opinions. That said, the message companies send doesn’t have to be “overtly political,” said Martin Whittaker, CEO of Just Capital, a research nonprofit which measures and seeks to improve corporate performance on environmental, social and governance factors. “If you’re focusing on it as a health benefit issue, that’s probably the safest ground,” he said.

Republican bastards don't give a damn about the right to life.  It's an issue.

Remember when it was "Gays and Abortion?"

Two talking points with nothing to do with each other, lumped in the same pile for convenience of the hypocrite Republicans caught in bedrooms with while telling you homosexuality is a sin.

NONE of my gay male friends have EVER had an abortion, which kinda proves my point.

Had all the creepy stalkers who have harassed me, from Arthur Alan Deluca to Ron Delucia, been aborted, the world would be a better place.

DeLuca and Delucia: The abortions that lived, show how ugly some fetuses targeted for termination resulted in:  bad things happening on Planet Earth.

Take Stevie B at TV3, some fat clod with no brains thinks he is going to be a film actor.        Mr. Bertorelli has no class, is ugly, and has nothing to offer the entertainment world with: another delusional TV3 loser. 

Stevie, first act to be a film actor: Jenny Craig's followed by Gold's Gym.

Abort the son of a bitch....ooops, too late, the ugliness emerged and is inflicted on Medford, infecting it at the high school.

On a serious note: these Republican jackasses don't think about hungry children born to unwed mothers who would rather ram a coathanger up their midsection than have a child. And then the shaken baby syndrome, child abuse, child rape and the other things that happen to unwanted kids who would have been better served not coming into the world with psycho stalkers caring for them.

The witch stalker who called me last night has had multiple abortions, thank God.   The poor child she did have was, basically, her vehicle to get public assistance.  Her drug abuse was wild and uncontrollable, thus her child ended up with a deformity.

Republicans ONLY want abortion as a campaign issue, NOT to help society.   The greedy bastards are all about power and money and nothing else.  They all SHOULD have been aborted, from Mitch McConnell to Matt Gaetz, but here we are, dealing with those abortions that lived.

Send this note to the Supreme Court, it is the ONLY thing that makes sense.