Thursday, November 24, 2022

The Chrisley Jokers are GUILTY They are the Rick Caraviello Types of Unreality TV


Melisa, you seem to be protesting too much, methinks. For all the attorneys in your family you cannot spell a simple word like "lose." Melisa writes: "they are not about to loose(sic) At any costs, it is not their money they are spending it is the Governments, they have unlimited resources, as well as time and they really, really hate to loose (sic,) especially when it is so public." Yes, there are bad cases, and yes, fraudulent D.A. types cheat (look at the horrible Amirault case in Boston where the Governor just gave a blanket pardon about 40 years too late) but the Chrisley's scam is NOT that. It is way too public nationally for the government to screw it up. If Melisa is correct, where is the appeal?


Replying to Mike

Of course I do not.I do to condone any form of theft; fraudulent insurance, socials security, medicare etc claims that is stealing as well. I am unaware of them stealing 100k from any individual. As the charges were lying on applications for loans, tax evasion. (The state of GA dropped their charges) I have followed the case it has been close as a family member provided legal consul. I also stated, things are not always as they appear, and rest assured - if the IRS or the FEDS come for you, they are not about to loose. At any costs, it is not their money they are spending it is the Governments, they have unlimited resources, as well as time and they really, really hate to loose, especially when it is so public. Each loss weakens their validity. As I also stated, I have empathy for them, they have been over charged as DA's very often do.


That is not true...I never met them. Our family found out my sister was involved with Todd after all of this came to light. She did not disclose information about his case, just that there had been interactions. Dear Lord you people have more sympathy for serial killers.


There should be more people supporting your position were that true. By the way, no sympathy for serial killers, none whatsoever. The advertising on their show one reason I cut the cord and have streaming now. Seriously, they were annoying beyond annoying. It was unwatchable television. USA Network (Universal/NBC) is doing business with them post-conviction. The network is mostly reruns, right? "USA still plans to air the second half of Chrisley Knows Best’s ninth season — the show is the network’s most watched original series — as planned beginning on June 23." Hollywood Reporter. Not much original programming, one would guess, but shame on NBC for not cutting the cord on Chrisley. Father Knows Best was a real tv show.




  • I am writing that this is more complicated than any of us can imagine. My sister is a federal prosecutor, she did not find any the merit to charge them… neither did another fed…. u may say They are both not good attorneys however, I would argue that is definitely not the case. I would say that if you scratch anything deep enough, you can find something to make a federal case out of…. and with that NO ONE is safe if the DOJ or the IRS sets their radar on u.



lunatic rob writes:

Yes Biden’s kid walks the streets.

  • Trump's kids won't be walking the streets, neither will 

    Trump, ha ha, meanwhile Biden's relatives get to be on the front lawn for a wedding while 

    Trump's relatives enjoy a wedding at an FBI raided compound

    • 6years of investigations and demoqwacks like you cannot fund anything but the lies you say.

      • there's a difference between a criminal and his enablers. The GOP held their nose to grab 3 supreme court liars in an underhanded way against the will of the majority of the people. Why you lost the Senate and couldn't gain more seats in the house. Can't believe people still defending criminal trump, and when you attempt to insult with "demoqwacks" you've already lost the argument. Ask Donald, he knows that all too well. Stick a fork in Trump, he's all done, and he's taking the GOP down with him...ha ha ha