Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Restraining Orders on Women: there are some very bad women in our world / Osterheldt's Reverse Misogyny / Wollaston Red Line


Boston Globe
Letter to the Editor

Dear Globe,

Rather than focus on the alleged criminal brutalizing another person,
Jenee Osterheldt damages the argument with her cruel sexism.

Two wrongs do not make a right.  Osterheldt's anti-men approach to
the horrific rape at the Red Line T station in Wollaston is what a dictionary
calls "misandry," the inverse of misogyny.

Paraphrasing the film Disclosure, about a woman sexually harassing a man,
from Michael Chrichton's excellent 1994 book of the same name "A woman in a
position of power can be every bit as abusive as a man."   Based on a true story.

All one needs to do is look at the court system and see how wives and their attorneys
in divorces take out the knives to lie and permanently damage a man or two that
they married and pledged to love, often dragging their own children down with
them out of anger and spite. 

I've had to get multiple restraining orders on women, and they've all been granted.

This is about some very bad people out there in the world, and Osterheldt's
ugly anti-guy rant does more to hurt the victim and divide our society than she realizes.

There are abusive women and men out there, and from the anger oozing out of her
article, Osterheldt would know.  She seems to be one of them.


Joe Viglione

Wed, Nov 16 at 12:03 PM
Dear Reader,

Thank you for your submission to The Boston Globe's letters section. We appreciate your interest. 

Although this may be an automatic response, we want you to know that we do read submissions as they come in. However, because of the volume of submissions we receive, we regret that we cannot publish every letter. 

All letters should be exclusive to the Globe and include name, address, and phone number. Ideally, letters should be under 200 words.

If you do not hear back from us within 10 days, it is likely your letter has not been selected. If that is the case, we encourage you to write to us another time.

Thank you,

Matthew Bernstein
Letters Editor
The Boston Globe

But let's back up a little. What exactly IS misandry, you ask? It is literally the hatred of men (in ancient Greek, “mis” means hatred, and “andro“ means male or masculine). It is the inverse of misogyny.Aug 12, 2014


The Harassment Prevention Law, commonly called “Chapter 258E ”, is there to protect you against someone who is harassing, stalking or sexually assaulting you, no matter what your relationship with them might be.


 RE: Chapter 258E Harassment Prevention Order


 follow up letter

Exhibits  Fw: Letter: Osterheldt's Reverse Misogyny / Wollaston Red Line


Dear Boston Globe,

See attached evidence to back up my position.

The courts put two restraining orders on a Bella Wasserman
who hurled me down a flight of stairs when I was managing
an AirBNB and was kind and considerate to all the guests.

The court extended a restraining order on a Julie Kelleher
of Malden who stalked me for 17 months after the death
of a loved one. 

An Aerosmith/David Bowie groupie immortalized in
an Aerosmith song had a knife to my head in the 1980s
...the police removed her from my home.  She said
to the police "It's not you, Joe, honey, it's the drugs."

Whenever she was high she would call people "honey."

I needed protection from all three unbalanced women,
and they were not the only women who have abused me
over the years.  I have more documentation, of course.


Joe Viglione