Monday, August 14, 2023

Jared vs Hunter / OpEd: Illogical Boston Herald Feeds Red Meat to Uneducated Readers

 story in progress 11:11 am   

Mon, Aug 14 at 2:43 PM
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Editorial: Let Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 

debate President Biden over 

(the) Hunter mess a desperate 

attempt to sell newspapers 

and is not based in reality.  

Highly conspicuous in its absence 

- and importance to readers is 

the August 11th, 2023 article in Newsweek 

"Republicans appear to have turned on Jared Kushner

former President Donald Trump's son-in-law, 

over a $2 billion investment from Saudi Arabia 

that his company received six months after
Trump left the White  House." (Jared Kushner Crossed the Line)

A debate could expose the president to so much pressure he would likely forget the talking points his handlers will feed him. Cue cards only go so far in the heat of a debate. 

OpEd here:

The Boston Herald's irrational screaming headline - having family-disowned lunatic Robert F Kennedy anywhere the debate stage is akin to having Dennis Hastert (Republican 15 months in prison for child molestation) debating Mike Pence.  Absurd on its face.   This from a newspaper desperate to have me resubscribe by sending me $1.00 for six months offer.  Since I don't have pet birds, why purchase daily birdcage-liner from the Herald at the cost of paper and ink from my home computer?

Just to have the birds enhance the poor writings of Lucas, Battenfraud and Carr, LLC? with their droppings???

You won't find this OpEd in the Herald, they don't like that I'm quoted in the NY Times and Boston Globe on Jimi Hendrix, and recently, July 16, 2023, interviewed by the Boston Globe again for the article on the Cars' 45th Anniversary!   It is called overqualified.

Why do I allow the Herald on my e mail list?  
 Because their obsession with some drug addict related to our
 wonderful President Biden is just that, a lurid obsession / distraction
 designed to please their last 57 readers in an attempt to disrupt Biden's inevitable 2nd term.  
News flash to the Herald, how does that work out for you election after election in Massachusetts?  
 I have Jimmy Lyons contact info if you like, we went to school in Arlington back in the 1960s, though I don't think Jimmy and Bernie are talking to me anymore after his political demise and my pouncing on him with glee....all that homophobia, Jimmy, shame on you.  I thought we were friends.

The Herald ain't getting my dollar for six months of Lucas ....
ha ha...wasn't he bounced by another local publication for his fiction?  

Media News Group claims "Trusted Brands: Since 1846, readers have relied on our publications to keep them informed and to connect them to their communities."  HA!  Not with Lucas, Battenphony and Carr, LLC doing the writing chores.

The Editorial in the Herald is misleading.  Election 2024, if you witnessed the destruction of Republicans in Ohio last week, is about the Supreme Court and Tommy Tuberville, Gym Jordan pontificating about anything with the sex crimes of Dr. Strauss hanging over his head - and Marjorie Taylor Greene attacking Lauren Boebert in some classless attempt to play Krystle Carrington vs Alexis Carrington Colby in the estate's swimming pool via their infamous witch fight on Dynasty.     Trump is going to prison or Moscow and the Republicans have fools, jesters and mimes for candidates. Think the 2022 fizzling red wave crushed by the Blue Wave.  Progressives are coming out and we are motivated.  Does anyone even listen to WRKO anymore?  And the Herald plays to that ignorant group that can't even get anyone in the state house?  My dear old pal of a half a century, Rep Paul Donato can violate all the #MeToo movement rules that he wants (see Paul sexually molesting un-covicted felon ex councilor Michael Marks on the opening day of the TV station in Medford after I shut down the previous one for racism and homophobia.)

Now if you've known this maniac, me, for 50 years, with camera, snapping away, and you put your hands on Marks' penis and testicles (I dub the attached photo "Get a Room" but the Patriots were on and, honest to God, while uploading the photo the sports announcer stated "illegal use of the hands."  How cosmic...) well, that is called Donato Arrogance...while the Herald never did the heavy lifting and I've got lots and lots of stories on bad behavior on Beacon Hill to prove it.

Hunter Biden?  Some drug-addicted would-be porn star? Please.  Once a good looking man but unlike Marjorie Taylor Greene, I have no desire to see his private parts. Do you?

Jared Jared Jared Kushner with the daddy-from-prison is the real story readers want to know about, readers from across the political spectrum. So until the Herald gets a grip, one as firm as Rep Donato's, they are going to lose more readers than Comcast facing people cutting the cord.

And that's my professional opinion.

Joe Viglione  
P.O. Box 2392
Woburn MA 01888