Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Christopher Columbus - Lisa Ris Rizley Attacks a Respected City Councilor

 LISA GOES CRAZY!  Lisa Riz Risley Goes Nuts on Christopher Columbus on the Mike Ruggiero Page on Facebook 


you are entitled to your opinion on matters that are debatable (i.e. whether or not to change the name). You are not entitled to decide what is fact & what is not when multiple people have cited first-person accounts from Columbus & contemporaries, including the Jesuit priest on his flagship.
What makes the Jesuit's condemnation doubly damning is that, at the time, the Jesuit order was the enforcement arm of the Catholic church, mandated to promote the Church & convert the unbelievers in any way possible, up to & including torture. When a Jesuit priest from that time condemns an individual's treatment of infidels, you can bet that the individual in question--in this case, Columbus--is truly a piece of garbage.
This isn't revisionist history-- this is the result of scholarship & research by historians. Y'know, the people who do this sort of thing for a living, rather than pundits who play fast & loose with facts & engage in propagandizing to promote their own agenda.
We're on to you, Bob. We know there's an election coming, & you think you run this town still. We know the restrictive agenda you're going to push for that will maintain the status quo & prevent people you don't approve of to have a say in how Medford operates.
Keep trying the obfustication--it will give those of us who want to see progress good exercise refuting you & your bullshit arguments. 
Mon Feb 15, 7:20pm

 My Response:

Hi Lisa, - Respectfully - I saw what you wrote on Mike Ruggiero's Medford page regarding Bobby Penta. As far as the Jesuit on the ship with Columbus, allegedly, I can't remember what I had for lunch or dinner a month ago, can you? " On August 3, 1492, Christopher Columbus and his crew set sail from the port of Palos in southern Spain on three vessels"...we are talking about 529 years. Meanwhile, the city of Medford is breaking the backs of taxpayers for a new library, new police station, probably a fire station up next, huge sums of money on remodeling city hall and its roof, so...where does the money come from? Personally, if you're going to take Christopher Columbus and his name out of the schools why not rename The McGlynn School? I have detailed files on McGlynn and there's empirical evidence of how McGlynn destroyed Medford, from his raiding the public access funds, to his conflicted city solicitor and alleged no-show job for McGlynn's father, 80k a year NO SHOW at the late Sheriff's office, allegedly...so let's not go back 500 years, rename the McGlynn school first, then go after Columbus...but with the financial crunch Medford is facing with the aforementioned buildings, why let devious convicted felon Paul Comeau Jr., now known as Paul Ruseau, fail to tell voters he was a thief and then boss everyone around like this?   


  Regardless of Mr. Penta's political views, you know where he stood on issues at the council and where he stands now. There are many opinions...my opinion is that even if the name needs to be changed, financially it should wait as Medford is in a financial crisis. People's lives - food on the table and housing - come before changing the names of schools...even the McGlynn School for now. Thank you for listening. https://clubbohemianews.blogspot.com/2021/02/lisa-riz-risley-goes-nuts-on.html





you are entitled to your opinion on matters that are debatable (i.e. whether or not to change the name). You are not entitled to decide what is fact & what is not when multiple people have cited first-person accounts from Columbus & contemporaries, including the Jesuit priest on his flagship.
What makes the Jesuit's condemnation doubly damning is that, at the time, the Jesuit order was the enforcement arm of the Catholic church, mandated to promote the Church & convert the unbelievers in any way possible, up to & including torture. When a Jesuit priest from that time condemns an individual's treatment of infidels, you can bet that the individual in question--in this case, Columbus--is truly a piece of garbage.
This isn't revisionist history-- this is the result of scholarship & research by historians. Y'know, the people who do this sort of thing for a living, rather than pundits who play fast & loose with facts & engage in propagandizing to promote their own agenda.
We're on to you, Bob. We know there's an election coming, & you think you run this town still. We know the restrictive agenda you're going to push for that will maintain the status quo & prevent people you don't approve of to have a say in how Medford operates.
Keep trying the obfustication--it will give those of us who want to see progress good exercise refuting you & your bullshit arguments.