Monday, February 22, 2021

Revolution Allegedly Going on at Medford Police Department....Not that they're going to let us know about it...

 Over the hotline tonight...

...there are (allegedly) some new nutty things going on at MPD which we will never be privy to!

Been hearing that there is unrest at 100 Main St. or whatever their address is now...and that the LAST person they want to publish anything about this quiet uprising within the police force is yours truly.

Ho hum.  So hold your little secrets, JB.  

From what the citizenry can see there is too much nepotism, chaos, ...and discipline that is right out the window.

Whatever they don't want me to know, consider this:  that they don't want you to know it as well.  

They are spitting at the residents who pay them!

Ho hum.

Want me to guess?    The natives are restless, and once again (not the first time) unhappy with Buckley.

Buckley will prevail.  The only way he is getting booted is if the mayor, Breanna Lungo-Koehn, grows a spine and does her job.

Otherwise I personally predict: SAME OLD SAME OLD