Monday, July 25, 2022

Bankrupt, Racist Money Mismanager, Harvey Alberg, DENIED late autistic man Airtime at Shutdown TV3 Medford

You ever hear of an alleged "money manager" screwing Medford citizens by doing calls for action on his own TV show offering financial advice and then filing in bankruptcy court?

Harvey Alberg of Alberg Financial never got involved in a corporation, allegedly, that he didn't want to tank. If that's his advice, try selling your business, your hard work, with that kind of a despicable "manager" who was involved in a non-profit shut down for alleged RACISM and HATE SPEECH.

I have detailed court papers on the bastards who ran the non-profit access station into the ground.

Then, after I shut down Medford Community Cablevision, Inc, Alberg and his loudmouth idiot battle-axe wife file for bankruptcy.

Alberg, a Jewish man who allegedly attends St. Clement's Church, then attempted to bear false witness against a victim of elder abuse by Bella M. Wasserman, arrested by the Malden Police on May 16, 2020, thrown in jail, and evicted from the home that she terrorized, managed by her victim.

A complaint is being filed on Attorney Tom Glynn who represented violent Wasserman for "witness intimidation" with the Office of the Bar Counsel.  ADA Rohin Ohri dropped the ball as he should have informed the judge of this malfeasance.

I will be asking the court to throw the bad verdict of "not guilty" out due to what I believe was witness tampering, intimidating this witness with the fraudulent TV3 crowd.

Double Jeopardy doesn't apply if the attorney for the defense and the prosecuting attorney were not doing their job properly.  If there's no precedent, let us then set precedent, Marian!

 Harvey Hellberg,

Racist spawn of the devil

Doesn't just loathe Black people and use them as he allegedly did D.W., which eventually shut down MCC TV3. 

According to the late Bill Wood, in a complaint that Bill sent me a copy of before he passed away, Alberg and his partner-in-slime, Ron DeLucia, especially DeLucia, were against the disabled and were loud about it.  As fraud board members of a 501c3 which had used former board member's names without their knowing it.

I never believed for a moment that Alberg and Delucia were legitimate board members, those bastards played hard and fast with the non-profit and still need to be held accountable all these years later.  What money manager like Ron DeLucia can't account for the non-profit's monies and tells the city council that he and Alberg were "only guilty of sloppy bookkeeping."  YET the two frauds went on the air like Bernie Madoff in drag offering management advice of YOUR money while getting the financial records (The Transcript said "kept in a shoebox") was something that Harvey Alberg and Ronald Delucia were simply not honest about.

Harvey Alberg, jackass, blames this writer for his negligence.  Like Donald Trump on steroids.

Now that Bernie Madoff's dead, maybe Alberg and Delucia can have his prison cell.  In a perfect world. 

Wood has a field day dissecting Alberg and his partner-in-crime, Ron Delucia.

Delucia, one of the most hated individuals in all of Medford, discriminated against the disabled.

The report is horrifying and based on information and belief, it is all true.

Notice how I am not saying "alleged" partner-in-crime, those two were partners in their criminal enterprise at MCC TV3, which the A.G.'s office refuses to give the files on citing that it could impede "law enforcement."

Harvey Albert's actions cannot be given to the public yet because it could "impede law enforcement."  This is NOT over yet and I am in close touch with the office of the Attorney General to see how the Medford crimes and the Lynn TV crimes are addressed.

Law Enforcement could be IMPEDED if the Attorney General's office answers the questions I have about Harvey Alberg.

Think about it.

Bankrupt racist's actions are still being investigated by law enforcement, according to my correspondence with the AG's office.

One thing they did which was despicable was to replace an autistic man's show with some joke of a sideman for Tina Turner.   It was pathetic, it was wrong, and they hurt a disabled person.

That's how hateful Ron Delucia gets his jollies, stealing from an access television station, you read that right, STEALING from a non-profit and spitting on a disabled, autistic man.

That is what you call an ignorant BULLY

Delucia must have voted for Trump as well.