Friday, July 22, 2022

Mayor Lungo Koehn Fumbled Adam Knight Case Terribly ----this very disturbed city councilor was smashing a bank door and allegedly fleeing

 Mayor Lungo-Koehn did NOTHING to help the public out when this very disturbed city councilor was smashing a bank door and allegedly fleeing the scene of what the MPD called the crime of "Wanton Destruction" at a high rate of speed Where were you, Breanna, to alert the public to the unfit self-serving politician and his dereliction of duty as an alleged "public servant?"

I put GOLD on the desk of Mayor Lungo-Koehn just as I put GOLD in the hands of inept ADA Ohri and they both ran like scared rabbits from their duties, Lungo-Koehn's oath of office as a mayor, Ohri's oath of office as an attorney.

First I got the police report on Adam Knight and Breanna did nothing.

Knight used his position as a public figure to give his skewed version of his violence to the ridiculous Medford Transcript.

The public was screwed and Knight got re-elected without anyone knowing the bad temperament and horrible choices of that public menace disguised as a public servant.

The public owns these photographs as they are in the public record.  

Adam Knight should resign.